WW2 Combat Flight Sims

14 Jun 2012
Halstead, Essex
I got B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th this week, i loved playing it as a kid and was wondering if there are any good new-ish WW2 combat flight sims out. I know there is a IL-2 that was released last year but some of the reviews have put me off.

Any recommendations?
War Thunder is pretty good with options for Arcade & realistic or if you like a more sophisticated sim you could try DCS world Mustang
Cheers will give the game a go.

Funny that I was trying to find my cd the other day and could I find it.

I found it on steam for £5 and thought what the hell the game was great fun. Completely missed my target but will try again tonight.
I always use the Ridgewell base as it's 5 min from my house and drive though the village every week.
Cheers will give the game a go.

I found it on steam for £5 and thought what the hell the game was great fun. Completely missed my target but will try again tonight.
I always use the Ridgewell base as it's 5 min from my house and drive though the village every week.


I will have a look when I get back.
DCS is good but there only have 3 WW2 planes modelled at the moment.

IL2 Cliffs of Dover was a mess at launch but its quite good now, and with the team fusion mod its pretty great.
War thunder looks quite mousey from footage? Does it have an in cockpit view and stick/throttle support!

There are 3 game modes, arcade, realistic ans sim battles. Arcade is for the mouse and keyboard only folks. Realistic you can use either m+kb or joystick although I think it slightly favours m+kb.

Sim is for the hardcore joysticks only folks.

Oh and you can play in tanks too if you're intersted in that too.
War thunder looks quite mousey from footage? Does it have an in cockpit view and stick/throttle support!

As our good Kwango says, there are multiple game modes. From the sounds of it, I expect you'd quite like realistic with joystick. In Sim its useful to have head-tracking kit :)
I got B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th this week, i loved playing it as a kid and was wondering if there are any good new-ish WW2 combat flight sims out. I know there is a IL-2 that was released last year but some of the reviews have put me off.

Any recommendations?

There is nothing wrong with IL2 Battle Of Stalingrad. It was mainly the unlock system people were annoyed about which has now been done away with.

I still prefer Cliffs of Dover with Team Fusion patch however, its fantastic on the ATAG server.
For a flightsim, War Thunder is awful. The control mechanics are keyboard and mouse, the game just does not work with a joystick - simply put you can put your pipper on target a lot quicker with a mouse, and if youre faffing about with a joystick you will die. Flying in your cockpit (when a joystick shines) is limited to sim battles and you wont get one of those until you level up a lot using arcade (3 lives) and realistic (1 life). If you try a JS in AB or RB youre basically either giving up fov or trying to get your head around flying third person. The arenas that you spawn in are stacked with the best planes in the tiers and your death is the entertainment for the tiered folks.

I was determined to get into this game, bought a 10 quid plane then just died for two days. The people who play are a nice bunch and pointed out that I was doing it wrong having not actually learned the planes so i dumped my expensive plane and went back to the beginning and levelled up properly for another couple of days. For what it is, its a fun game, kind of like CS for sims but with a much steeper learning curve, but in no way a flightsim. Things might be different once i level up a plane to get into sim battles.

Flight sims currently playing are DCS (hardcore but very satisfying with an oculus), IL2 CLOD (with the team fusion mod makes this a lot of fun), IL2 BOS (ok) and FSX is quite fun.
Warthunder is pretty good in realistic mode.

Do you mean realistic or sim? Im looking forward to sim where youre locked into a cockpit because they have good Oculus implementation, although its quite easy to do now using test flights to mess around with carrier landings. Theres no way you can be competitive in sim because of the low rez of the oculus so ill switch to trackir for that. The only difference ive found with arcade and realistic is the number of planes you get (3 vs 1) but i havent played any arcade at all so i may well be wrong.
Bag a copy of Combat Flight Sim 3 then head over to www.simviation.com and check out the many many add ons for it, it's old, yes, but ran like a dog in its day but these days, with the better hardware, it runs very well.

I've been playing it for years, along with Combat Flight Sim 2 although this has recently been curtailed as I've broken my game port to USB adapter and can't use my stick anymore. :(

I love FSX and FS 2004, both heavily modded with add on scenery and planes, never got on with War Thunder or the IL2 series tbh.
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DCS is good but there only have 3 WW2 planes modelled at the moment.

IL2 Cliffs of Dover was a mess at launch but its quite good now, and with the team fusion mod its pretty great.

I'm tempted to give this another whirl, it was totally unplayable at launch and i never went back to it, never been as disappointed with a release ever. I played IL-2 Sturmovik to death.
DCS is good but there only have 3 WW2 planes modelled at the moment.

The Spitfire is in development and with a 109 and a 190 already out, I am hoping for some good battles there. Throw in a german bomber and we can recreate a historically inaccurate BoB!

The big WWII stuff will be the Hellcat and the Zero that are meant to be in development, with wwii era aircraft carriers, so thats some pacific action right there.

And if your fancy runs to Top Gun, theres the F14 and the F5e to recreate the films best moments! *coming soon, like EDGE*
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