WW2 Combat Flight Sims

Bag a copy of Combat Flight Sim 3 then head over to www.simviation.com and check out the many many add ons for it, it's old, yes, but ran like a dog in its day but these days, with the better hardware, it runs very well.

I've been playing it for years, along with Combat Flight Sim 2 although this has recently been curtailed as I've broken my game port to USB adapter and can't use my stick anymore. :(

I love FSX and FS 2004, both heavily modded with add on scenery and planes, never got on with War Thunder or the IL2 series tbh.

CFS, CFS2 and CFS3 sucked up so much of my life back in the day it was unreal. Have many happy memories of playing the first two on the Microsoft Zone for countless hours.

Used to fly in the 54th Screamin' Devils.
CFS, CFS2 and CFS3 sucked up so much of my life back in the day it was unreal. Have many happy memories of playing the first two on the Microsoft Zone for countless hours.

Used to fly in the 54th Screamin' Devils.

Blimey! I recall that name from the Zone! Happy times! :)
Well just about to buy a copy of CFS 3 as i can get it for dirt cheap. Just want to check, it will recognise my usb joystick?
Well I've picked il2 cliffs, now to download on my slow internet and have a go. Cheers for all the recommendations. Will probably end up getting most of the games listed.
Aces High is good too, graphics not so hot but they are working on that, steep learning curve with the flight management though.
My advice- forget about WW2 and save you monies for this, shoul be out in a month or two

I love WW2, but all the current games on offer are just too dated. War Thunder is not a sim but rather a brainless online shooter with zero atmosphere.

The new Il2:BOS is probably the best WW2 sim right now, but it has dated graphics, sterile world and very poor single player campaingn. Some user made content and flight physics are the only things going for it. Still infinitely better than War Thunder though

Video of a mission from user created single player campaign for Il2:BOS
Haha ok ok:) I do think that another 2 months would be enough as ED are doing weekly streams now and it does look to be finished already. I was pencilled for June release, but postponed. Cant be much longer surely :)
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