WW2 games

12 Sep 2012
East Sussex
i do like ww2 games such as the original COD and MOA but is there anything out recently thats worth playing that hasn't got lasers and al sorts of other crap init
i like strategy and first person.
Slightly different but your could try War Thunder? I've recently gone back to it and having a lot of fun.

Its planes and tanks.
Not worth installing let alone playing.
I would have to agree... It's very bland. I admire that they went for Poland, somewhere that hasn't really been explored in WW2 games but the game felt like Medal of Honor (one man army kinda way) with all the excitement sucked out. You can stealth, but it's clunky and there's no drawbacks from just going in all guns blazing.

I didn't check out the MP but apparently it's not that good as well.
Brothers in arms was pretty good a few years back, worth a look. I still have the latest console one to try but it looks like the series has gone to mobile gaming which is damn poor to learn :(
FPS: Red Orchestra
Grand strategy: Hearts of Iron
RTS: Company of Heroes is well regarded. The Men of War series is good but voice acting is absolutely terrible.
Im currently into Hearts of Iron 3 and it's just eating through the hours of my spare time. After the initial learning curve it really opens up. But its very a niche thing so it might not be what you're after.

For more of a traditional RTS then Men of War is pretty good fun.
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