X-Fi Modes Question

you have to ave it in game mode to use all of the EAX 3 ( or whatever it is) features in games like Fear and quake, doom etc too.

but id be interested in the answer too... thats all i know ^^
Shakey_Jake33 said:
What would actually be the difference between Entertainment mode and Game Mode, if neither (or conversely, both) were set to upmix, with all the same settings?

you have to use game mode to get EAX settings in games, and there is a reason why they made 3 different modes, otherwise wouldnt they just have 1, all 3 different modes are suited to their specific tasks, other than that you will need to ask someone who made the product or works for creative
Games now uses openAL so look what they games supports,like Doom3 support EAX3, so go to the game setting and select it.
The game settings always override the global settings.
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