X-Fi Platinum Fatal1ty 7.1 Champion

helmutcheese, how did you poke a hole in the closed pin socket in your rounded IDE cable? I just bought one and the blank, closed socket is solid all the way through. So, obviously poking a hole didn't work in this case. So i tried drilling it and there was metal about half way down so that didn't work either.

What do you suggest i do? Is there a particular cable i can buy which will allow me to poke a hole in it easily? Actually, what is the pin that goes in this hole actually used for, because i might not need it?
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My PC tool kit has like screwdrivers/picks with points on them, very sharp, its easy as you have a handle to get a grip of to push, I image it be hard holding a needle.
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helmutcheese said:
My Pc tool kit has like screwdrivers/picks with points on them, very sharp, its easy as you have a handle to get a grip of to push, I image it be hard holding a needle.
So was the closed pin hole in your cable filled solid with plastic? I can't imagine it being very to just push a hole through it if that's the case. But even drilling a hole in mine didn't work because there's metal about half way down. Do you know of any cable which already has all the holes, or at least one which is easy to push a hole through (what cable are you using)?
Yes look at picture in link then look at any 80core Eide cable, its same plastic as surround.

No metal in mines unless thats the actual core of cable you want to get at lol, I used old Aska rounded cables.
Mansize - Did you go for the card with the front i/o bay in the end? I'm having a similar dilemma at the moment and don't know whether it's worth spending £120 for the front i/o bay just to have the headphone socket and volume control.

I don't want to keep switching wires over so it seems like a neat solution, however it seems like overkill if all I want it for is the headphone functionality. I'll also be buying some decent headphones soon.
Tejstar said:
Mansize - Did you go for the card with the front i/o bay in the end? I'm having a similar dilemma at the moment and don't know whether it's worth spending £120 for the front i/o bay just to have the headphone socket and volume control.

I don't want to keep switching wires over so it seems like a neat solution, however it seems like overkill if all I want it for is the headphone functionality. I'll also be buying some decent headphones soon.
Yeah, i ended up getting the expensive one with the front I/O bay. It really is an awful lot of money for what it is. Now i have an amplifier, though, i have to go round the back of my case to plug it directly into the card anyway. I suppose i could plug the amplifier into the headphone out front I/O bay, but the I/O bay already amplifies the signal a bit as far as i'm aware so it isn't as good as a normal line-out when fed into an amplifier.

Also, the jacks on the card aren't really designed to have stuff unplugged and plugged in frequency, and will probably wear them out. For this reason, it'd be better for me to plug my amplifier into the front I/O bay but, for reasons i've already mentioned, the line out on the back of the card is better for this. So now the extra money i spent on the I/O bay is being wasted, since i plug the amplifier into the back of the card. Well, actually, i do use it for my microphone, so i guess it's just acting as a really expensive microphone port at the moment.

What headphones are you planning on buying?
Mansize_tissue said:
What headphones are you planning on buying?

Haven't properly decided yet. I'm looking for an open-backed pair for around £100. On my shortlist so far are the Sennheiser HD595, Grado SR80, Beyerdynamic DT990 PRO and the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700.

I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to have it all connected up before I commit. I'm building a new PC soon so I'm trying to decide all that I'll need. I use some cheap Logitech 2.1 speakers for general use, and plan on using the headphones mainly for gaming and occasionally music.

It would be great if I could just have the speakers connected to the onboard audio and plug the headphones round the back onto the soundcard. I don't think this is possible though. :(

I've been looking around though and it's strange why there are not more products that cater for this particular conundrum...
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