X-Fi Xtreme Music or Xonar D2

10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
I've been using an X-Fi Xtreme Gamer for a while now and am about to order a new PC so will need a new sound card to go with it. I do play games quite a bit but also like my DVDs to sound good as well, for me the X-Fi seems to have great sound from my experience but if the Xonar is a lot better I'll happily pay the difference. If it helps I'm using some Sennheiser PC161s.
Games more so the X-FI but Music is not the best on it, Infact I aint enjoyed Music as well as I did on my Live 5.1 (inc audigy 2 and ZS and X-FI's).

I think they added to many leet settings that ruin the sound.
better sound on the d2, close enough in games not to hear a difference unless you were running them side by side. they have brilliant analogue outputs and would be a good improvement over any creative xfi:)
i bought the x-fi xtreme music over the gamer after reading lots of reviews about it being just as good in games but better for music.
Hows the mic volume on the Xonars now?

Geting a mic at long last & other bits on tue to use on my preclude, if I have problems like others have mentioned I'm tempted to bite the bullet and switch over to the d2/d2x.
eb are full of crap and so is that review. the fact that they got ridiculous results with the d2 first time round, and then tested the d2x and didnt think 'hang on a mo, our results dont look like anybody else's.....maybe we should retest" proves as much. the d2 and d2x are identical.


http://www.ixbt.com/multimedia/cowon/d2/rmaa.shtml (russian)

instead. or i could provide the RMAA tests of my own d2 if you like lol.
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yes, they were using early drivers and they had problem with noise level and frequency response. the point is, they are nowhere near as eratic as EB's. EB should have known to test them again - just look at the graphs. but anyway, there results..


look at the table top of the page there. now look at my results:


the d2 and d2x are virtually identical in hardware. they share the spu, same dacs, same opamps. if one isnt testing near identical to the other then the tests are flawed.
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And it's still to a large part not as good as the X-Fi in the review?

the elite-pro, Jokester......... nobody is claiming it will best an elite pro, they are a different kettle of fish to the rest of the x-fi's. going purely on numbers, the elite pro looks better at 44.1khz. however at 24/192, the xonar is a fair bit better...

this is all numbers of course, and i doubt you'd hear the difference between an elite-pro and a d2/d2x or dx. the point was, you cant use that awful EB review as a gauge for anything. i actually need to ask a few questions over at RMAA forums because the results im getting at 24/192 are a little odd so i wont be posting them here yet
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My X-Fi has given me nothing but problems since i got it, everything from random lockups to cracking and cut off sounds. Creative's forum is/was full of complaints and they seem to be doing nothing about it.

If there is another option go for that.
Hmm the Xonar DX is looking interesting, has a front panel HD audio connector on it (needs a fdd power which is a bit of a pain). If I have got this right it can encode Dolby Digtal Live for digital speakers which I have but I think they are only Dolby Digital will it work?
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