so, I have spent all morning trawling for some detailed pictures of the expansions and cannot locate anything in a big resolution.

I think the main issue is that the packs are not officially released yet.
I can't comment on X-Plane as I have never played any of the X series, but MS FSX got very ropey the lower you got and the high res packs made a difference. Not sure they are really worth the money though if I am honest. It depends what your into. High up the games can look stunning with the high res packs, far better than stock.

If you're really into your sims you should check out the DCS line, awesome fun if you're into that kind of thing. They also make the game that the Warthog joystick was made for.

Which brings me nicely onto the joysticks. I have never owned the X52, but have the X52 Pro (along with the Saitek rudder pedals. Although they now have a range, the ones I have are still made and are at the cheaper end of the spectrum).

The X52 is a good stick for the price point...possibly the best stick at the price point to be honest, it's easy to control any aircraft with it and the programming software is really rather good. I have had one for several years (3 or 4 I think) and it stood up to a fair amount of gaming and is still going strong now...although now at the back of the cupboard. The pro, if memory serves, has a "heavier" feel to it over the none pro version, which helps with accuracy.

You may have been able to sense I was coming to this, but I bought the Warthog a few months ago from the good people here at OCUK and I have to say it's the best stick I have ever used. It blows the X52 pro out the water, just opening up the box and feeling the thing in your hands you can't quite figure out why this is only double the price of the X52 Pro. It's a big setup and it's heavy, it's virtually all metal, it has real switches and dials that feel solid and clunk into place. It's heavy but yet agile, you can be precise and fast, it's smooth and never feels like it's sticking, it's really a brilliant bit of kit. The software is top notch although you will probably never really use it because the stick seems to behave how you want it too without you having to fiddle with making it work with the programming software. The biggest draw to that stick though is playing DCS Warthog, the stick just works, out the box it's all setup and right in the game. The game even detects what state the switches are currently in and turns the game switches to those settings.

So in short, if you can afford it get the Warthog.
I think the main issue is that the packs are not officially released yet.

I know Flight1 are doing the packs you're selling but they look remarkably similar to the ones that have been available for XP9 for the last 18 months. Do you know if they are different in any other way or just now being published by Flight1?
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