Xbox 360 dashboard pictures in here

cheers andy il have a look into that tonight

heres my pics, i thought after id taken a few pics id take some of my 360 set up and off me room in general for a few threads

my love for cherly tweedy and girls aloud obv explains my choice


A-n-d-y said:
Nismo you got a link to that wallpaper mate she is *** fine :)

It's one from here which I flipped to go better with the dash.

Sorry Nis, some unsuitable pics on the site

Bigpops said:
You can use any jpeg or bmp (possible other formats too). You just need to plug in some USB storage, or have your PC networked to your 360 and go to pictures on the media screen. From there, you can choose to use it as your background.

This bit of kit continues to amaze me.

Cheers for that :cool:
da_mic_1530 said:
andy i had a large thread on this and no1 knew what was wrong, ive checked the whole internet and no1 knows, i even at one point got the pc to see the xbox, but the 360 will refuse to see the pc, ive tried it on the laptop etc, ALL firewalls are off blahdy blah, gisa shout if u know what is wrong

i had this problem until i found out you can't use the media centre option unless you're running the media edition of xp, but if you go to the media blade on the xbox and just select music or pictures it should work ok as i found out tonight. so long as you've got the file sharing turned on and the xbox auth'd.
I had a quick go at this the other day (sorry no pics for now) but is there any way to have a different picture for each blade?

Creating a theme I suppose instead of just having the same background for everything. I should really read the manual. :o
NokkonWud said:
I am actually watching the Soprano's season 1 Episode 1 on DVD as I am browsing the forums!
:D I got series 5 for christmas but I want to start from the beginning again as its been about a year since I finished series 4.
I only have the first 3 seasons on DVD. I have more important TV shows that I keep up with:

I have:
3/4 Smallville
4/4 24
2/2 The O.C.
3/4 Curb Your Enthusiasm

It's been around 2 years since I watched it though. My favourite episode is still the one where Christopher is stuck in the snow. Makes me laugh so much. Where he keeps thinking he's gonna get capped. I think it's in Season 3.
Kainz said:
Nice stuff Kainz. I see yours are the only ones using a black border so that the picture does not go above or below the mid section of the blade. This looks much better and less cluttered IMHO.

I also saw this one linked from


Apparently some guy created a template so you could drop any picture in and it would apply the border. Did you use this or do you have the sizes?
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