***xbox 360 fifa 10 league***

13 Jan 2006
since we havent had one for a long while i thought we mite see whos interested and maybe get another going.

so post in here if you are interested.

will see how many we have sunday/monday then maybe get one started on the monday night.

if you are interested post your name and a suggestion of star rating for teams.


sign ups:

utajoker -utajoker182
andybtsn - andybtsn
soulja - soulja05
lucifurr - Lucifurr1982
shivers - Shivers21
metalface mark
substance - Prankster182
hilly - h1lleh
poppy - Slinkystee
lee87 - lee1187
Anksy - Anksy
red and white - safcphil2009


utajoker - reggina
andybtsn - shefield united
soulja - sochaux
lucifurr - bristol city
shivers - lecce
metalface mark - FC lorient
substance - hearts
hilly - CD numancia
poppy - hercules C.F.
lee87 - cs maritimo
anksy - middlesbrough
red and white - R.C. Recreativo


Games start fri 12th Feb.

league details

name : jokers ocuk league
abb : ocuk
password : jumanji
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ok we have 10.

we just need to pick a star rating.

could do with a poll tbh, but just post your vote. im going for 3 star.
i think 3 star has the most votes so i will get a list of teams to be drawn from.

ive got 25 teams from the 'better' countries leagues.

how were the teams randomly chosen in the last leagues does any one know?

also metalface mark and poppy what are your GT's?
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heres the list of teams

bristol city
cardiff city
shefield united
west brom
FC lorient
LE mans U.C. 72
us boulogne
FSV Mainz 05
SC freiburg
cd nacional
cs maritimo
vit guimaraes
CD tenerife
CD numancia
hercules C.F.
R.C. Recreativo
real sociedad

shall give them all a number and each of us a number and do some random number generating. will post your teams in a few mins :)
*see first post*

so you have today to have a play with your teams then tomorrow start matches, post your scores and make them a different colour so they can be picked out. i will keep track in a excel doc and keep the table posted in the first post.
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please post all your results in here so i can keep a manual table, as me and andy just found out, if anyone has a connection problem it counts as a quit in the league.
Lucifurr 1 - 2 Utajoker
Utajoker 0 - 1 Lucifurr

Good games there I felt, you totally outclassed me in the first match but I started to make a combeck there. Sorry about the DSL at the beginning of the second game. I was shocked that I took an early lead you had some good chances to equalise. I can't beleive I dodn't score at the end of that match. Well played.

good games, 2nd game just wasnt working for me at all.
lee1187 2 - 2 utajoker
utajoker 1 - 0 lee1187

two close games, not sure were them two goals from first game came from, 1 after the other.
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