Xbox 360 Help

4 Jan 2007
Hello Xbox owners

I have a PS3 at the mo and things are very very slow in the games dept , i am thinking of buying a Xbox 360 to fill the time

I am into games like Gear Of War ect , what titles should i look at

Also do i need a memory card to save games or does it work like PS3 saves games to HD ? Anything else i should know about Xbox 360 before i buy
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Great i am looking forward to getting 1 , Lost Planet any good ?
Not a bad game, the only redeeming point is that it has some brilliant, massive boss characters. The story is amongst the worst I've seen, the main character falls over way too much but it has mechs with customisable weapons load outs, and some good action moments.

I gave it a 7/10 when I reviewed it.
What sort of games do you like?
If you like FPS style games with a difference then I'd recommend Condemned and Gun - both available very cheaply.
Dead Risings great, but stay away from perfect dark, utter *****. Other good FPS for me are The Darkness (fantastic) and Prey (not as good but still worth a play) and of course Call of Duty 2.
Gah I loved COD2 and have just played through COD3 and I really enjoyed that too although I found it easier and shorter.

I'd stick to the older games though as they are much cheaper and there are some real gems, with many under £10.
My 360 games collection organised from best to worst (in my opinion!)

The Darkness
Gears of War
Saints Row
Call of Duty 3
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
Full Auto
Need for Speed: Carbon

I think they are all excellent games :) I say "best to worst" but the ones at the bottom hardly deserve the title of "worst", I just think they're just not *quite* as fun as the other ones.
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