Xbox 360 Newbie

21 May 2004
First of all I must say this thing is LOUD !!!
Infact :


It puts my vacuum cleaner to shame......

I got it with Oblivion. Now this game looks good on my HD projector, but It keeps pausing for long amounts of time on nearly EVERYTHING I do.
Here is a list of things that it pauses on (Ranging from 3 to 8 seconds)
I am not including loading new areas as I know this is part of the game.

Flicking through any menu
Checking any Item
I am also getting bad audio/visual lags during the game midway through some not very large action moments eg killing a single mud crab with no one else around.

Is this acceptable as I am finding Oblivion nearly unplayable at the moment.
Should I exchange xbox or is Oblivion flawed ?
P.S. Game has also crashed twice needing a restart.
my oblivion has never crashed, but it is a bit sloppy in places, mainly due to it being so huge. I dont find it unplayable, and no game has ever held my attention for so many playing hours. only final fantasy 7 comes close! Fantastic games, even with its flaws!

And yes it is loud, and also acts as a radiator in my small room, but I just turn the radiator off and turn up the surround sound! :cool:
Official from Bethesda:

"Oblivion uses the Xbox 360 hard drive extensively to cache (copy and reuse) game data. This is done to optimize all loading the game does. It has been found in rare cases on some Xbox 360s that the cached data can get overly fragmented. This exhibits itself by the game taking a long time to load anything from menus, dialogue, sounds, objects, levels, and more.

To solve this problem, reset your Xbox, and hold down the A button as the game is booting up. If any button is held while Oblivion is loading, it will clear its hard drive cache, and create a new one. Once you see the “Bethesda Softworks” logo video, the game is already loaded, and the cache should have been cleared.

Note, this does not effect your game in any way other than loading. You will not lose any saved data."
Will try clearing the cache later.

Also last night got a disk cannot be read error take out and clean and restart !!
The disk was spotless ( Brand new )

One of my mates said that he runs his xbox in the "upright" position. Mine is laying flat. This shouldnt make ANY difference I hope.
rayb74 said:
Will try clearing the cache later.

Also last night got a disk cannot be read error take out and clean and restart !!
The disk was spotless ( Brand new )

One of my mates said that he runs his xbox in the "upright" position. Mine is laying flat. This shouldnt make ANY difference I hope.

I run mine flat. Oblivion KILLED my 360, utterly spammed the HDD to death.
I got about 20-30 hours of oblivion and then it just got slower and slower and slower.
Clearing the cache did not do anything even deleting everything on the HDD did not help. I even tried filling the HDD with mp3 and deleting them and still it choked.
Got it replaced (long story) and the new one is trouble free.

You got a core or premium?
I got the Premium (with the hard drive and headset e.t.c.)

What worries me is that Oblivion started playing like this "Out of the box" not after 30 40 hours ! :mad:
I wonder if issues like this will become less and less with future revisions of the Xbox 360. Maybe they'll tinker about with the innards a bit to prevent such hiccups. IIRC the processors will be redone which will produce less heat and the DVD-ROM drive might have better firmware, etc.
rayb74 said:
I got the Premium (with the hard drive and headset e.t.c.)

What worries me is that Oblivion started playing like this "Out of the box" not after 30 40 hours ! :mad:

Is it just oblivion doing this? You could try taking it back for a different copy. Failing that I'd swap the Xbox over personally and just say sit randomly crashes a lot after an hour or more play.
I did the Cache clear trick and I have to say.....(I also disabled auto live sign in)

What a difference !
The game loaded up in less than a minute
No freezing in menus
No stutters
Loading times had been slashed

Wow its like playing a new game.

Hopefully this is the end of my probs or should i change it anyway ?
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