Xbox 360 Over G Fighters

9 Nov 2003
After getting this on pre-order for around £24 I can't wait, it looks like the old Ace Combat series on the playstation and the G-Lock games on the megadrive.

I really am looking foreward to this title, yet I do not hear anybody else making a stir about it!

So go on, who else is awaiting this; can't just be me!?

(Yes I am still enjoying Fifa 2006 WC more than Pro Evo 4!)

Release date is 30th of June incase you were wondering.
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Sure thing!

I am limited to work around my parents for the console as I got it for them to use as much as me, but if your around from 11pm+ I am usually able to game. :p

Not taken it online, its a EA game so will expect issues!

Its just a arcade flight sim game, details are few and far between but it looks fun and for £24 I thought why ever not.

Will let people know how I find it, may be a good blast as I find Blazing Angels quite boring really.
Says its online enabled yes!

It just seems like it will be a laugh to play, and maybe not as repetative as Blazing Angels.

The graphics look passable, but I do not really care about them as long as the FPS is high enough. :)
Yeh me to, it shows some real promise on the WOW GREAT FUN side of things.

Doubt it will have much depth, but you don't really expect it of a game of this type.
Yeh it ends in a couple of hours so you will have to get in quick, this game is the only super deal that they have for the 360 mind. :(

Would not have minded Ridge Racer 6 cheap aswell.
It is not out yet so no idea. :p

I never listen to reviews for anything, most of them don't have the same opinions as me.

I will force my opinion upon people when I get it. :D
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