XBOX 360 PGR3 Photo Gallery


Ok i'm done! :D
its downloading at the minute but how did you make the video?

did you record it in the xbox?

mine should arrive tomorrow hopefully
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Phate said:
its downloading at the minute but how did you make the video?

did you record it in the xbox?

mine should arrive tomorrow hopefully :D

By the time its downloaded you'll already have answered your own questions ?

Awesome shots above by the by dlittley makes me want to peg it home and jump in the enzo asap.
Reektan said:
By the time its downloaded you'll already have answered your own questions ?

Yep :p

i take it its not possible to record in game?


Reetkan how are you taking these screenshots?

because i no you use a VGA cable, so can you printscreen in the xbox and save it to the hard drive then transfer it over?
Phate said:
Yep :p

i take it its not possible to record in game?

No its not. Theres the Photo Mode for the pics. Even if there was, unfortunatley theres no way of getting them off the 360 (hence we've all taken pics of our monitors displaying the photos). Hopefully there'll be a way to transfer them to a PC soon. :D
Nismo said:
Quick shot of the DBR9...

Nismo, can you please re-assure me that this is not a photo? because one of my friends is saying that its a photo.. and hes totally anti-console, a pc fanboy by any other word.. and he will not believe that its in game..
naffa said:
Nismo, can you please re-assure me that this is not a photo? because one of my friends is saying that its a photo.. and hes totally anti-console, a pc fanboy by any other word.. and he will not believe that its in game..

Tell your freind to stop being a fool.

The damn things got a PGR number plate for christs sake! :p

Look at the blandness of the grass texture on the left too.
Nismo said:
Tell your freind to stop being a fool.

The damn things got a PGR number plate for christs sake! :p

Look at the blandness of the grass texture on the left too.
:p but i think we have to give him some credit, i thought it was a photo when i first saw it ;) but then you said it was a screenshot of the db9, and i never doubted you ;)
lol i was tempted to get out the bumpasauraus then :p

anywho ill have pics tomorrow from mine so dont worry there will be screenshots to come :D
gord said:
is there some post processing going on there Nismo?

Shouldnt be apart from trimming the edges of the LCD TV off in Fireworks, and resizing the pic.

Certainly no sharpening or colour adjustment. I messed about with the photo actually in PGR itself though, but thats the point of photo mode :p

Why you ask? I could always link to the original straight off the camera if you like?
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wush said:
How much better looking are these shots than actual gameplay?

Near enough identical, its just that in the photo mode AA seems to be applied. In game things are a little jaggier.
Nismo said:
Why you ask? I could always link to the original straight off the camera if you like?

Nah, no, you read to far into it mate. Not having a dig. Just wondered, because theres that gradient at the bottom... the entire pic just reminds me very much of Top Gears camera effects.
I really need to either get a HD TV or start running the Xbox through a TFT monitor, the difference between these shots and how it looks on my standard TV is immense! :eek:
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