Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit & Battery Pack (In Stock??)

Davey_Pitch said:
I went through a set of batteries in about 2-3 weeks, so I think I'd use up more than 15 quid's worth in a year.
Ive been through one set of batteries already, and I only got it Xmas day and it cant have been within the last week so I dont think they first ones even lasted me a full week.

OK I probably gave it a good usage over the Xmas period. but the play and charge kits are an excellent idea I think. I realise you could just use rechargeable batteries but its just more of a hassle.

Youre paying for the conveniece really, and I dont think its a lot to pay.
Indeed, I often have the 360 on when I'm doing nothing, so I'll happily leave it connected and charging so it can go back fully wireless when I want to play. :)
dalepearson said:
Said they are instock on the website. Maybe I should contact them.
Going from what Ive seen from people on this site, their stock system (like many others) is a joke and completely inaccurate. Id only order from that site for items that I knew would be in stock, like games.
They don't work I believe.

I'm guessing what the play and charge does, is lets you use wireless sill, powered by the USB, and the remaining power gets put into the batteries, meaning no data is actually put through the USB cable if you get what I mean.

I may be totally wrong about that, but that's how I would see why the wireless pads don't work on PC.
dalepearson said:
Just wondering, as the charge kits are usb, wonder if we can just plug them into PC to save having the 360 on when at work?

Dont see why it wouldnt work.

You can use a play and charge kit on your PC and it will let you use the controller for games.
I have a play and charge kit.
I charge my pad via my laptop USB port :) I dont like the wire coming from the front of the xbox
dalepearson said:
Just wondering, as the charge kits are usb, wonder if we can just plug them into PC to save having the 360 on when at work?

Dont see why it wouldnt work.

You can set the pad charging then turn off the console using the button on the pad. The console then goes into a kind of stand-by mode and continue to charge the pad. After charging is finished the console will switch off completly. Very useful feature imo.
Did anybody else who ordered one of these last week (from recieved it? (other than dalepearson)
Have you had it delivered yet? As I'm still waiting on 2 at the moment :(
(Who was your courier?)

A-n-d-y said:
I have a play and charge kit.
I charge my pad via my laptop USB port :) I dont like the wire coming from the front of the xbox

I assume you have the wireless network adaptor then, as otherwise you could just use the USB port on the back :)
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