Xbox 360 Premium... Should I?

18 Oct 2002
London, UK

I've found a guy on a popular auction site selling a couple of xbox 360 premiums at cost price + del. According to the posting they are in stock, ready to ship and will be on 1 day delivery... THey are £180 + £19.99 P&P... the guy has 99.6% Feedback... with over 500 responses.... Should I risk it?

I don't usually like buying expensive things over ebay? Always extra cautious for some reason...


P.S. Price is a typo... should read £280 + £19.99...
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Pac3y said:
Just checked him out, he looks legit. People have bought Prems off him allready and given him positive feedback. I would go for it! :)

Asked if he'd accept COC... waiting for response... he asks that all buyers ask to be placed on approved list first too... so he's really covering his a55...

Have asked to be added... so will buy as soon as he gets back to me... Beats wating around for 4 - 8 weeks (depending on who you ask) for a shop stocked prem...

Cheers for responses guys,
Ol!ver said:
aproved list?

Like I said... I don't use ebay that often... or for expensive items unless some had AMAZING feedback.... his auction has this at the top....

Note: This listing is restricted to pre-approved bidders or buyers only.
Email the seller to be placed on the pre-approved bidder/buyer list.

So I emailed... Is that not right?

dirtydog said:
Not really - Special Delivery on something that heavy would cost £19.

To the OP, I trust you will be paying with paypal as you are better protected that way.

Yes... Will be paying Paypal if COC is not an option...

LoadsaMoney said:
I just got mine today from Game, Premium with Condemned, King Kong, and PGR3, only £370. :D

May be worth ppl phong them up, and getting there names down like i did, i only phoned up the other day, and they said were expecting a good amount in in the next week or so, so if you want one give me your name/number and we'll put you down for one, when they come in we'll give yer a ring to come and pick it up, they phoned me today as they had just got 8 delivered WOOT!!. :cool:

Where abouts are you located LoadsaMoney?

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