Xbox 360 reliability worries

1 Sep 2005
Hey guys,
I was hoping you could maybe help me...
Im hoping to get a 360 tomorrow, but reading LOADS of posts around the internet about the 3 rings of death, has put me off.
Im sort of stuck between really really wanting a 360 (just thinkin about PES6 and GOW makes me feel fuzzy inside :D ) or listening to my (probably irrational and stupid) worries

Having a proper dilema here lol :(

Any advice would be very very appreciated :D
Just get one, chances are it will be fine. If it does break then its relatively painless to get it repaired/replaced, either via MS or the shop you bought it from :)
I have concerns with mine but if I was buying now I'd have no concerns at all. Heres why-

OK assume manufacture started in Dec (just using examples here) and you buy a console tomorrow that was manufactured in say August. They have had 8 months to tweak the manufacturing process.

Now say you still end up with a duff one you have a years guarantee so even if you have a couple of duffers your likely to either still have the original console which happens to be one of the ones that is and always will be fine OR you will have had a replacement or two and end up with a console manufactured as late as Q2 or Q3 of 2008 by which time I'm sure the manufacturing process would have been 100% ironed out.

Of course as with anything theres no guarantee's but I wouldn't let it put you off an awesome console.
What concerns me is that my 360 is going to die after the years warranty is up, I'm waiting on a lot of new games coming out so it can get a good thrashing and I'm worried that it'll go **** up when it get's it.
Cuchulain said:
What concerns me is that my 360 is going to die after the years warranty is up, I'm waiting on a lot of new games coming out so it can get a good thrashing and I'm worried that it'll go **** up when it get's it.

Chadd said:
you can buy an extended warranty which is £60 I *think* for 3 years.

NOOOOOOOO :) Sheets/page24700.html

Your statutory rights are pretty good, it is worth knowing them.
Most of the people who had dodgy 360s were people who got 360s at launch.

If you buy a 360 now, it will almost certainly be fine.
Oakesy2001uk said:
They have a warrenty so it don#'t matter! a lot less of them go wrong than you think, people only shout up when they go wrong.
I agree. Several people's here have never missed a beat where-as several have had to use the warrenty they had.
A lot more people have fine 360's than those that don't.
NokkonWud said:
I agree. Several people's here have never missed a beat where-as several have had to use the warrenty they had.
A lot more people have fine 360's than those that don't.

Agree. My original 360 died on me after I ahem, transported it for christmas. My 2nd has seen pretty much daily action and hasn't skipped a beat. I also use it as my main DVD player so it's in constant action from my kids films.

Really, don't worry.
VIRII said:
NOOOOOOOO :) Sheets/page24700.html

Your statutory rights are pretty good, it is worth knowing them.

Agreed but that will be a battle that could take weeks til they finally agree to give you money back minus the useage you have already had. Could take weeks. I'd rather pay £50 and have a priority service and an xbox back in less than a week.

I think the 360 is a dodgy piece of equipment reliabilty wise but I still bought one.
dannyjo22 said:
I think the 360 is a dodgy piece of equipment reliabilty wise but I still bought one.

I'm on my 3rd 360

The first one did not make it till the end of the Launch day. But I knew despite this I had a console that had taken some major steps forward and was definantly worth having.

My second one did not pack in as such but it was starting to make some dodgy sounds (the DVD drive was crunching) So I took it back

My third one has been going for a week and is quieter and hopefully more reliable than my other 2. If it does fail. I hope it does it in the next 11 months or so so that I can replace it.

IMO despite the failure rate of the hardware the console is an outstanding buy and well worth the agro it may cause.
thanks so much for all your replys, they've helped me BIG time.
Looks like im defo buyin a premium 360 tomorrow then :D woooo

Movin into my 2nd year uni house tomorrow which wont have internet till friday (OH NO :eek: ) but when we do have internet and ive hooked upto live ill be back to get some of your gamertags if you dont mind.

reckon ill be the only one out of my uni mates who'll have a 360 and gaming with friendly people like yourselves interests me more than with some of the tards ive come accross i need to get some use out of headset so i hope your all ready for my scouse accent blasting out your speakers mwahaha ;)

thanks again guys!!
scouser_jmc said:
hope your all ready for my scouse accent blasting out your speakers mwahaha ;)

I should be able to stand it ;)

Liverpool isn't far away from Wirral, though we get gived the same label :( Not that there is anything wrong with liverpool :p lol :D
Is it possible to buy this extended warranty for the 360 in the Uk? I can only find info on this on AU, not on the Uk site.

My 360's warranty expires in December like most of ours, and I must admit I am a tad worried given that, that month will be incredibly busy for downloads and marketplace content.
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