Xbox Controller with MW2?

25 Jul 2009
Can anyone suggest an effective way of allowing me to use my Xbox controller on my pc, for playing MW2, which doesn't seem to include controller support for some reason.

I prefer mouse and keyboard obviously, but i have a friend coming round that doesn't own a PC, but is very good on the 360 and we'd like to have a decent session round mine tonight.

I know there are some programs that work, but can anyone recommend a good one that they have used that will do the job?


I tried this with COD MW for PC and whilst it does work, you can really tell the game for PC isn't meant to be played with a gamepad..

On the consoles COD MW with a gamepad works perfectly fine, with a PC game profiler, its slow and you get owned even in single player on easy mode.

It just doesn't feel right, the aim is tricky, you take too long to turn, or if you mess with settings etc you turn too quickly.. Basically, it just doesn't feel natural.

you can try pinnaclegameprofiler for 15 - 30 days for free, make your own mind up, but he'll be disappointed and might not be as good with the PC version using a gamepad as he'll be with a console and gamepad..

One of those games that is on PC that just doesn't work with anything other then a keyboard and mouse..
Thanks for the replies guys.

We keep having little arguments about which is superior, Xbox controller or mouse and keyboard.

I keep explaining to him that a mouse/keyboard is ultimately better but he wont accept it!

He also doesn't believe autoaim is used on Cod for consoles at all times. I tried to explain it is very subtle at times and unnoticeable unless your looking for it. He thinks it only happens when he is stood still and a target moves past him.

I'm fully expecting him to be completely lost without it and blame it on this program!
If a console FPS didn't have some auto aim you'd never hit hardly anything. I know some are damn good shots with a gamepad, but compared to a mouse its nowhere near the same..

you can tell COD MW has some auto aim for the console, as trying to use a gamepad on a PC with the same game is truly a proper challange. If you are intending to play your mate and he uses a gamepad and you a keyboard and mouse, you'll kick his ass even if he's very good with a gamepad and you're semi decent with a mouse and keyboard..

Just the way it is...
haha yeah i keep trying to tell him this.

No way to compete without the autoaim. Not gonna be playing each other, just a few drinks and some free for alls taking it in turns. He cant use a mouse for gaming so thats why i need the controller support.

I did tell him that he wont get autoaim and he'll have lots of trouble being any good, but he didnt believe me and thinks he's gonna pwn all with his mad controller skills.

Don't get me wrong he is very good on the console, too good sometimes - but im thinking his experience tonight will help prove my point about the autoaim lol.

Shame we cant do Xbox vs PC online :(
Hmmm my gf's son is damn good at FPS, best I've ever seen. He beats anyone eventually and can rack up kill after kill on COD MW, but even he wouldn't play COD MW on the PC with a gamepad.

He swears by keyboard and mouse for PC, when I tried COD MW on the PC with a gamepad and a game profiler, I asked him why it was so poor.. Reason I know why it doesn't work, as he tried and said to give up on this... COD MW and most fps without native gamepad support are just meant to be played with a keyboard and mouse..

Post back if he does actually own you all using a gamepad and a profile for COD MW. I bet he doesn't.. I'm interested, as I wanted to play COD MW on my 42" plasma but needed to use a gamepad. it was much harder then the PS3 verison using the same pad... We'll see eh?
Great isn't it, they buchur an amazing PC game by giving it no dedicated server support and making it all consoley with auto aim, and to take the *** even more they make it so on the PC version you can't even use the xbox controller.

LOL. Couldn't make it up. and they wonder why PC game sales aren't increasing like consoles.

I would be keeen to get it working just so you can show him how much better a mouse is.
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Haha thats so true, why are developers so oblivious to the wants of the customer :(

It's like playing Resident Evil on the ps3 using the new playstation move. You can't use the actual trigger on the Move controller to shoot your weapon and no option to change it either.

It's ridiculous. All about the money now :(
Great isn't it, they buchur an amazing PC game by giving it no dedicated server support and making it all consoley with auto aim, and to take the *** even more they make it so on the PC version you can't even use the xbox controller.

LOL. Couldn't make it up. and they wonder why PC game sales aren't increasing like consoles.

I would be keeen to get it working just so you can show him how much better a mouse is.

About the truth of it... They did this with bioshock 2. Removed the gamepad options, and to make it worse on PC they don't even bother half the time to increase the texture res or even make any use of the raw power of most graphics cards nowadays.

Metro 2033 was a game that did show off the raw power of PC and did include the 360 pad support still, one of the few console ports to actually make use of PC hardware and look a LOT better then console and offer more then one control method..

Just love how PC owners pass of lazy butchered console ports to PC as elitism to their preferred control method and yet hardly any PC titles are developed for the PC market.. nearly all fps nowadays are just console ports.

And to think, PC was where FPS all started, and now look at it..?
I'm making the move from FPS on PC to PS3 I'm sad to say. Almost everyone I now know plays on console so it makes sense for me.

My only other options are to hook up my PS3 to my monitor and get an eagle eye but then have to worry about splitting audio etc and unplugging kb/m every time. The other option is to do the same in my living room but then have to worry about using kb/m on a sofa which isnt really practical.

Grrr oh well, I'm sure I'll get used to a pad eventually. On the plus side the sound is awesome and its way more comfortable in my living room I guess.
I'm making the move from FPS on PC to PS3 I'm sad to say. Almost everyone I now know plays on console so it makes sense for me.

My only other options are to hook up my PS3 to my monitor and get an eagle eye but then have to worry about splitting audio etc and unplugging kb/m every time. The other option is to do the same in my living room but then have to worry about using kb/m on a sofa which isnt really practical.

Grrr oh well, I'm sure I'll get used to a pad eventually. On the plus side the sound is awesome and its way more comfortable in my living room I guess.

Don't be sad. Its just you're following everyone else as they too play on console. Its just the way its going..

I was only discussing this today with a mate at work. We both ended up playing F1 2010 on PS3 even though my PC could run F1 2010 with much higher res, less screen tearing and more AA but as we both wanted to play online I had to go with the only method we could both use..

This was PS3. It is quite sad in a way. Again, I remember the days of pumping hours into F1 games in the PC, only to end up now playing the latest F1 game in a games console of all things..

Back in the SNES days I would have never thought that Geoff Crammonds F1 game would leave me on say a Sony PS1... I'd have, and did get GP2 for the PC.

Same as say Quake.. But if a new Quake game came out in todays climate, you'd end up going with the platform with more friends, and bottom line is, this'll be 360 or PS3. Sad times really.

I do wonder how the op's friend got on with COD MW on PC with a gamepad..!!
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