Xbox Live! OcUK Usernames - Post your XBL Gamertag in here

I will be putting these into the list sometime soon, my PC is at my friends but I am home using the most temperamental laptop in existance.
GuruJockStrap said:
Isn't there any easier way to input all these into your friends list? Can it be done on the Xbox website?

If there is, I would love to know about it! After this week I will put updates at the top so that you can see who has just been added.
OcUK = Zico (that was a hard one :D)
GamerTag = OcUK Zico

Just in case people aren't aware, you can now change your Xbox Live! gamertag's via the Marketplace. It costs 800 points and you can change it to anything that is available within limits (not obscene/racist etc.)

If you do change your gamertag, then it automatically changes the tag for your friends so nobody needs to re-add you.
GuruJockStrap said:
Isn't there any easier way to input all these into your friends list? Can it be done on the Xbox website?

I heard you can plug in a USB keyboard and use it for text input should be a bit quicker than using the control pad
oh well after not chaning my profile name from player to CHEETS, i was trying to log into xbl with player :/

woot im on it now

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