10 Dec 2004
Just seen Halo 2 with a 12 month XBox Live subscription for £30. I currently use my 1 month trial Gold subscription on my 360.
Would I be able to use the XBox live pack in the Halo 2 pack for my 360? The cheapest I've seen 12 months Xbox live for is £35 so the Halo route is obvioulsy VFM.
100% sure that old Xbox Live 12 months subscription codes work for the 360 (ive used 2 and have another 2 to enter), not sure on the 3 month ones.
Agr3sive said:
When you say you have used 2, does that mean you have added 2 years to 1 machine or a year each to 2 machines, im just curious as I have seen cheap Halo2 starter kits and cheap PGR2 starter kits.
Ive used 2 on 2 different accounts, however I am soon to be adding an extra 12 months to both as it just adds them on the end.
There is another place that has PGR2 with a 12 month subscription for 24.99. I've ordered this already and should arrive on Monday, so f you can wait until then, I shall let you know for sure :)
Argos has the Live kit for £19.99 (not including a game).. Not available for home delivery on the site but can be reserved for store collection

I have the Xbox Live kit + PGR2 for £24.99 and it works ok
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