XBOX *** OCUK UMVC3 Tournament Season 2 ***

10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom

The last tournament was so epic, I want to do it again. Again this would be a small and quick single or double (depending on the amount of people enter) elimination tournament. I don’t want this to drag out for months(years). There are no prices at stake, only bragging rights on a keyboard;):D:p. Once there are enough entries, I will start the draw and the tournament.

As I expect people to be semi-used to the game mechanics by now, I will show no mercy and play to my best. But any new comers or beginners are welcomed. Please don't be afraid that you are going to get bodied, because most players I expect entering will be low end intermediate player or beginners, there might a few good players, but almost everyone will be on even ground and I will provide some coaching if anyone wants and needs it. If you are admittedly really good (ie, much better than me), please show some mercy to the beginners, try not to dishearten them too much and give them some tips and advice to get better. I want to attract more casual players and keep growing the community.

I will post the fixtures list once the draw is made and set a deadline for the games to be played each round, you will have to post here or message in XBL to arrange your games.

If you have a reason for not being able to play your games before the deadline, you will have to message me on XBL or post here. If both players are unable to play, they must report to me and I will rearrange the game for them (only if it is not too far out of the schedule). If only one of them tell me, whoever made the effort to arrange the games here or contact me will go though. If neither made any effort to play or stay active, they will both be disqualified.


- First to win 5 games progresses
- Any character can be used
- The winner of a game cannot change team (include order), but allow to change assists
- The loser of a game can change or remain with the same team
- If you Random Select and win, you must remain as that team (include order) until you lose but you are can change assists
- Lag test must be done first
- Final is also a FT5 set, unless it is single elimination, then it is FT7
- All participants must stay active in the forum or will be disqualified automatically

I also have a feeling someone will not read, understand or just completely miss the rules but lets hope not. If it happens please point it out to your opponent via XBL and consider that match a warmup. If you fail to point it out at the time, and they go on to win, there is no point arguing about it later. If they do it twice in one set, they are disqualified.

Please post your entry in the following format (you don't have to post your team, but it is good to let people know what they are up against). And record some videos if you can.


OCUK: vian_siu
XBL: hyv
Team: Dante, Iron Man, Sentinel

OCUK: Drunzer
XBL: Drunzer
Team: Wolverine, Nova, Akuma

OCUK: Artheas
XBL: Artheas2D
Team: Zero, Magneto, Akuma

OCUK: Conqueror Kenny
XBL: Conqueror Kenny
Team: Dormammu, Doctor Doom, Wesker

OCUK: tzechungshek
XBL: TzeChungShek
Team: Wolverine, Doctor Doom, Phoenix

OCUK: ravl585
XBL: Yupyupno
Team: Wolverine, ?, ?

OCUK - Rinoa231
XBL - Rinoa231
Team : Captain America, Ryu, Wesker

The brackets are in here:

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I hope so, it's taken me months but I'm finally happy with these 3. Hyv if you struggle with numbers I might try and convince my friend to play, his name is Deathjumps on here. He only picked the game up earlier today but he's only got a PS3, he lives pretty close to me so I could let him use my 360 for his matches and if we get drawn against eachother we just just do our match offline.

yeah no problem! i encourage everyone to enter the tournament regardless of skill level.
Thanks vian siu, i'm really an avid fan of umvc3 and looking for local tournaments in the UK.
Wish i can play offline more. I'm living in hatfield, anyone leaving close to me? i dun mind driving near to play!!. Got another friend maining wolverine, hawkeye, akuma, but only plays offline. I only train with him offline though...

i live in milton keynes, probably around a hour and a bit more from you. i want to play more offline too, but none of my friends play it and i cant drive:(
I can host overnight sessions in my place. In my living room. Got beds and duvets. But can only do weekends(preferably friday night till saturday night, Got church on sundays, and work during weekdays)

I had little success encouraging my churchmates to play, even held a small local competition (up to 30 people turned up- but 90% played easy mode). But have only 2 hardcore players here, me and my friend.

I dont mind driving down to MK as well. But only weekends as well.
I'm free this weekend. Who's interested?

me! weekends afternoon is great for me, i could travel if i can work out how to get to your place.
I'm in Hatfield. PostCode :Al10 9AB

Got any email or contact no?
I'm new to overclockers forum. Is there a PM function?

Anyone else interested? My Living room Can fit another 2-3 more players.

yeah you have to set up your email in trust (that little icon at the bottom of each post) for people to email you.

i looked up your post code. looks like it is going to be hard for me to get to (no train station near by), because i cant drive:(
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The draw have been made and the deadline if this round is 26th Feb. If unable to meet it please post in the forum. If the 8th player join. She/He has until that deadline to join, otherwise the entries are closed and I will get a bye in the first round. Also add your opponent to your friend list for easy match making. Kenny is allowed a few extra day because he is busy, but I expect everyone play on time. Good luck all and have fun, don't forget videos!

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all you had to do was push block the chain and super jump on him, no need to sit there and block all day (which is the thing he wants you to do). ghostrider struggles against super jump stuff as long as it is not obvious and he doesnt have vajra or hidden missiles assist with him.

you should have seen my lame play today, it puts ghostrider in shame:) honestly though, i make every game look fun;):p:D
I was gonna team up with you SF x Tekken :mad:

Looks like i'm gonna have to take your precious Vian, we'll crush you!

(Yes Vian, you are a piece of meat that we claim as our own)

lol it would be funny if i can control one team and you two on the other team with one character each. i will only feel twice as good for beat you both down at the same time.
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