**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

IGN Review Schedule

Monday, November 18 at 6am PT/9am ET/2pm GMT

Dead Rising 3
Killer Instinct
Crimson Dragon
Powerstar Golf
Zoo Tycoon (pre-review impressions)

Tuesday, November 19 at 9pm PT/11:59pm ET/5am GMT (Weds)

Xbox One hardware/platform (review in progress; full review will be available after the full console launch on November 22)

Wednesday, November 20 at 6am PT/9am ET/2pm GMT

Forza Motorsport 5

Thursday, November 21 at 3am PT/6am ET/11am GMT

Ryse: Son of Rome

Friday, November 22

Zoo Tycoon (delayed due to multiplayer being unavailable before launch)

Also, be sure to tune in for our Xbox One Pre-Launch Party all-day livestream on Wednesday, November 20 from 10am PT-4pm PT (that's 1pm-7pm Eastern time or 6pm-midnight GMT), where we'll be playing through the Xbox One launch lineup and showing off the Dashboard and interface.
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Dam Scandinavians coming over here taking out xbox ones, its the bloody vikings all over again i tell you :P

I've ordered one from the UK too :D (being sent to Brussels) for some reason they delayed the XO in Belgium too.... But it’s ok because I am originally from the UK :D

I've never had an issue logging into my GT or accessing the UK live store from Belgium. I hope they don't have some form of region lock for the XO for live otherwise I will be rather annoyed :mad:
IGN Review Schedule

Monday, November 18 at 6am PT/9am ET/2pm GMT

Dead Rising 3
Killer Instinct
Crimson Dragon
Powerstar Golf
Zoo Tycoon (pre-review impressions)

Tuesday, November 19 at 9pm PT/11:59pm ET/5am GMT (Weds)

Xbox One hardware/platform (review in progress; full review will be available after the full console launch on November 22)

Wednesday, November 20 at 6am PT/9am ET/2pm GMT

Forza Motorsport 5

Thursday, November 21 at 3am PT/6am ET/11am GMT

Ryse: Son of Rome

Friday, November 22

Zoo Tycoon (delayed due to multiplayer being unavailable before launch)

Also, be sure to tune in for our Xbox One Pre-Launch Party all-day livestream on Wednesday, November 20 from 10am PT-4pm PT (that's 1pm-7pm Eastern time or 6pm-midnight GMT), where we'll be playing through the Xbox One launch lineup and showing off the Dashboard and interface.

Thank you
On regards of Very.co.uk. I have been with these for 2 years and they have never let me down, truly awesome service with everything i have ordered from them.

Remember, shops sell through Very, so some things are out of their hands.

refreshing to know but ironically I now have £450 cash and don't really need very. If it doesnt come fri or sat im off to hunt for one.
All my senses tell me Zoo Tycoon should score terribly, the one thing thats making me think otherwise is David Braben and they are good at these kind of games at Frontier Developments (Enjoyed Thrillville/Rollercoaster Tycoon).

Im guessing it will get about a 7.
Knack looks fun, not sure why it's getting all the hate. Even streamers say it's fun.

It looks alright, i thought it just looked a bit too much like skylanders (nothing wrong with that) I'm sure younger gamers will love it the general opinion seems to be that its okay to play but they cut scene the really fun bits, leaving you plodding along with rinse and repeat gameplay.
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