*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK


Reigning Season 3 Champ - Overmostheads

- Rules -

- Each game is first to 2 rounds
- You play all other competitors in a 'set' which is first to 3 wins
- Each round is 99 seconds
- Stage selected must be RANDOM
- Play one warmup game first to check for lag before starting league games
- ONE POINT is gained for each game you win
- ONE BONUS POINT is awarded to the winner of the set
- You may choose ANY character
- The WINNER of a game must remain with the same character for the next game, but IS ALLOWED to change their choice of 'Ultra'
- The LOSER of a game may change character for the next game and/or change 'Ultra'
- If you select RANDOM character and you win, you must select RANDOM character once again
- TOP 8 players will go through to playoffs to determine the OVERALL CHAMP
- Forum members ONLY

- Results Table -


So, for the playoffs.

Same Rules Apply:

- Top 8 Playoffs -


Winners Final: Madbeats vs Overmostheads

Losers Final: Madbeats vs DrSK

GRAND FINAL: Madbeats vs Overmostheads

Congrats to Madbeats!!! Season 4 League CHAMP!!!
2ND Place: Overmostheads
3RD Place: DrSK

The reigning champ was defeated! Well played everyone especially Madbeats for that incredible unbeaten run in the league games, very impressive and a deserved winner! Thanks to everyone who took part! :)
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- Players -

XBL: mpower07
Location: Manchester
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: Lucifurr1982
Location: Staines
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: hyv
Location: Milton Keynes
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: x Jaguar Skills
Location: West Midlands
Controller: Custom Sanwa Stick

XBL: Salu SSJ4
Location: London
Controller: 360 Pad

XBL: Artheas2D
Location: Europe
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: overmostheads
Location: Bradford
Controller: Madcatz SE Modded

XBL: SproutMaster
Location: Blackburn
Controller: Custom Stick

XBL: robgmun
Location: London
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: Distorted84
Location: Essex
Controller: Madcatz TE S

XBL: Yupyupno
Location: London
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: elrasho
Location: Your mums house
Controller: Steering wheel

XBL: GAVSGARDEN/Madbeats1000
Location: North London
Controller: Madcatz SE

XBL: Conqueror Kenny
Location: SE London
Controller: Madcatz TE S

XBL: TzeChungShek
Location: Newcastle
Controller: Madcatz TE

XBL: klc0100
Location:SE London
Controller: Datel Arcade Pro Joystick

XBL: Alex Grand Mast
Location: North London
Controller: 360 Pad

XBL: Meansfgamer
Location: UK
Controller: 360 Pad

- Videos -

Madbeats vs Conqueror Kenny

Madbeats vs Distorted

Adz vs Sproutmaster

Hyv vs Jaguar

DrSK vs Overmostheads

elrasho vs Hyv
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Well I can be away quite a lot during the week because of work being a consultant so I can't guarantee getting 4 -5 sets done a week. But I have always managed to finish my league games.

If you are OK with this, count me in:

XBL: Lucifurr1982
Location: Staines
Controller: Madcatz TE
elrasho you have to be kiding me LOL, if you have beem beating me with a steering wheel i think i will just end it now :D
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