*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Im signing up my mate cos hes busy atm.

XBL: Kungfoo1
Location: NW London
Custom stick
Char: Bison and fei long

excellent bison he generally canes most shotos, he splits his time between ssf4 and hd remix (which is garbage i think, cos that is the true fireball spamming 3 moves only trashfest-tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger trash trash trash trash)

will ask him to make an ocuk account asap
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....and hd remix (which is garbage i think, cos that is the true fireball spamming 3 moves only trashfest-tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger trash trash trash trash)

Don't let Kreeeee hear you say that lol.

Anyway, yeah get him to register on the forums ASAP, it should 2-3 days max to activate and he needs to read the rules and confirm first. :)
1-2 guys have messaged me on XBL saying they have signed up on the forums, they are probably just waiting for their account to be activated.

Still have almost a week yet so plenty of time.
Wasup guys, nice to see you, to see you NICE!!

XBL: GAVSGARDEN/Madbeats1000
Location: North London
Controller: Madcatz TE S

Weaknesses: Not being consistent with my style of play - I need to improve as much as everybody else, plus there's a few guys here that beat me on a regular basis in this forum - so I can't be a contender I'm afraid :(

Anyway big-ups to all the guys organizing this, and WNF! I really understand the effort it takes from doin' the whole GAVSGARDEN thing lol
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Good luck, and thanks for running gavsgarden!

I can't enter this, but add me for some casuals :-)
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I'll add you when I go online - which won't be long

Why aren't you entering though? I'd lose to deejay as I've probably only played one twice lol.
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I am working away from home every weekday.

DeeJay is like a terrible guile. Just don't jump and he will lose to any average or better character.

I've added you as a friend and sent you a message on xbl, check it out and let me know what you think.

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