*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Table Updated:


Madbeats and Kenny have so far not lost a single game...

You guys, don't play eachother until the very end please. That will be one to watch. :)

EDIT: Can everyone please keep a note of their own scores and keep checking it against the table. Thanks.
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Hmmm, not ryu, maybe akuma, ken is tricky. Alex whipped my ken today in casual, mad beats is a beast as well. Oh man, I got those two, then art, rav, distorted, bloody heck it dont get easy, jag has made me see flaws in my ken, neways all the best bros, ggs all. Adz my match with you and vian are the most important, must win games for all of us
For the record I actually know klc and we generally head to tournaments together/team up in the team tournaments. He is definitely not one to sleep on.
Just played him in the most boring matches ever and pulled it out 3-1
That will be updated on the table tomorrow.

Madbeats... can you save your replays vs elrasho please. I wanna see them tomorrow and maybe learn something from them before I play him!
We don't, but it's no secret.

It won't matter who uses them, but expect to definitely see
Ryu, Cammy, Bison, Chun, Balrog, Akuma, Guile, Abel, Adon, Cody

and maybe
Blanka, Sim, Ken

IMO it's more important to learn more about your own character first before going into matchup specifics.
Art, Rav and Distorted... try get a set in tonight if possible, against anyone. You don't have to play each other first.
Art, Rav and Distorted... try get a set in tonight if possible, against anyone. You don't have to play each other first.

Got a guest for the next week or so, plus other stuff means I won't be on too much for now. But you know I'm good for getting all my games done ;)

I'll elrasho my way to the top of the table.
Got a guest for the next week or so, plus other stuff means I won't be on too much for now. But you know I'm good for getting all my games done ;)

I'll elrasho my way to the top of the table.

I don't think I'll be top of the table this season, been playing crap lately.
Got a guest for the next week or so, plus other stuff means I won't be on too much for now. But you know I'm good for getting all my games done ;)

I'll think about whether to eliminate you or not... I will decide AFTER we play our set HINT HINT :p
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