*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Lol that was a sik game. I hate ur abel soooo annoying lol. Wudnt get away from me n let me plan my attack.

Lost 3-2, practically a win for me ggs
Just played Salu SSJ4 and he beat me 3 - 1. I had a very promising start but Salu adapted quickly and won very convincingly. GGs mate and well played and some good friendlies.

Yep ggs good fun, u scared me at the start lol. Oh well Now u know how to counter THAT move, now ul cane me. Play soon.:cool:
Oh yeah sry madbeats I forgot to reply to ur message. I was in a game when I got it and I went off for food after. Sry about that I cant type with the xbox thong anyway

Looool xbox thong?:cool:

Nah jus kidding, ur having a good day today it seems, I hate rashos Abel, what a weird style.
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I wish the league can finish now lol. I have lost in my favourite chun vs ryu match up twice already. Can't see a way forward for me. At least I beat Arth, who was trying to troll me with random characters. Had he played cammy i wouldn't have won a game
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