*** XBOX SSF4 LEAGUE - Season 4 ***

Excellent set of games mate, well done, the better player definately went through. I was really hoping you didn't choose Guile... lol

Game 1: Meansfgamer 2-1 Adz
Game 2: Meansfgamer 2-1 Adz
Game 3: Meansfgamer 2-1 Adz

GL the rest of the way. :)
Thanks man and yeah definitley gd set of games and close rounds too...
I think your ryu has definitley gone better since iv been playing you, keep it up! I think my ryu would have definitley struggled hard with your ryu so I had to bring in the 'soldier' lol
Thanks for the vote of confidence there!

Though I'm expecting to lose too :p

looool sorry mate. :( i genuinely did not see your name, for some reason i thought the winner of our match went thru to face madbeats. also for some reason i thought the winner of our match would be in the final, completely forgot about the losers bracket.

all the best.
I don't think Cammy would have made a difference to the outcome. I havent played properly in over a month, but even with ignoring that, I think the better player got through to winners finals, so I'm not too fussed.

Winners Final:

Madbeats vs Overmostheads

Other Games Pending:

AlexGrandMaster vs Conqueror Kenny

Overmostheads vs Madbeats must be saved/recorded/uploaded! Leave MvC3 for abit, get practising and try play by the weekend guys, GL. :)
bored waiting for next season ¬____________¬

We will have to sort something out after this. Even though most have moved on to other games, I think we still have quite afew SF regulars. :)

Alex vs Kenny, get a move on guys!!! :D

Madbeats vs Overmostheads = RECORD and UPLOAD. :)
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