Plenty more April fools day japes here http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3173539

1UP News

April Fools Pranks Crowd the Interweb
Check out our full list of pranks below, we'll be updating all day.
By Steve Watts, 04/01/2009
For those who haven't taken a gander at their calendars, it's April 1. What used to be a holiday reserved for harmless itching powder, hair-staining shampoo, and hilarious magazine gags has expanded into a full-blown day of deceit thanks to the reach of the Internet. Without someone to parse the real news from the tricks, you might rant to a friend about some piece of misinformation. To save you that embarrassment, we've compiled the pranks below with links, and we'll be updating this list throughout the day. If you spot any that we haven't outlined here, hit up our boards to contribute. Enjoy!

The Pranks - Havens of Lies!

* Nintendo Demos Hardcore Smash Bros Wii (IGN)
* Hidden Characters in Killzone 2 Multiplayer (Killzone.com)
* My Wii Buddy ventriloquist game (GameStop)
* Microsoft Announces Alpine Legend (Xbox.com)
* Nintendo Announces Wii Height (i-mezzo.net)
* Dragon Quest IX on sale in Japan (Kotaku)
* Umbrella Corporation Requests Government Bailout (GameSpot)
* Konami Teases Next Metal Gear (Konami.jp)
* Razer and Valve Co-Developing Squad Shooter (RazerZone.com)
* World of Warcraft Introduces PvP Dance Battles (WorldOfWarcraft.com)
* Diablo 3 to Introduce Archivist Class (Blizzard.com)
* New StarCraft 2 Unit Announced: Terratron (StarCraft2.com)
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