XP Shutdown Prob

8 Jan 2006

I have installed xp on my computer and where yu get to the part of restarting and counts down once it reaches 0 second the computer just hangs there! I tried to re-install again but it did the same thing so i carried on. Everything seems to work, but my comp still will not shutdown or restat! the comp say saving files and settings then says computer is shutting down. At this point the mouse pointer disapears and the computer hangs. I can only get it to restart or shutdown if i press and hold the power button or if i press restart button.

Please help........

m/b is asus A8N sli Premium. all hardware is the same nothing has changed from previous install of xp.

could you reword you problem ? what countdown thing? :confused:

boot to safe mode, does it shutdown ok from that ?.... could be a programme not ending properly, anti-virus programmes often do this or might be a driver that has a problem...

Ok Here goes,

My computer was running ok but i decided to reformat! When re formatting, once you have innitialy formatted the hard drive and copied system files. The computer then should automaticaly restart. It does a count down from 10 seconds or you can presss enter to restart straight away. Its at this point that if you let the computer count down so that it restarts itself that once the counter gets to zero it should restart but it DOESNT! It just hangs.

I then have to press the restart button on the computer case for it to restart. you then leave it so that it doesnt start from the cd but from the hdd so that the computer can start loading the operating system. Once all is loaded and installed you then load in the motherboard drivers etc. Some of these driver need the computer to be re-started so you click on OK to restart. The computer starts to shuts down all none essential programs and goes to the welcome screen. Here it then says saving files and settings, Then it say computer shutting down.
Its at this point that the hdd comes to life for a few seconds as program are saved etc etc. Then the mouse pointer disapears and the computer SHOULD then shut down. Well IT DOESNT.....

It does this when ever i use my computer and the only way to restart the computer is to physicaly press the reset button or to shut down the computer is to press and hold the main power button for 4 seconds so that it shuts down.....

Did that explain things better. I Hope so because this is starting to annoy me know.

Please help.
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It Could Be Numerous Things Causing The Problem...

First Of All, Boot To Safe Mode (Press F8 As Your Computer Starts Til You Get The Windows Boot Menu)... Proceed To Safe Mode Then Try And Shut Down From That

Secondly, Could Be A Power Issue, Have You Checked You APM Settings In BIOS / windows ?

have a quick look at the following article... its not your EXACT problem but it gives a few pointers to make sure your computers power settings are correct


post back :)
Tried all the above but to no avail.

When i go to control panel and power management there is not a tab labled "APM" :confused:

Any other ideas. Also i doubt if it will make any difference but the xp disc is from a dell system. This shouldnt make any difference should it?
I have a similar motherboard to you in the form of the A8N32 Deluxe and I have the same problem, or at least half the time.

When I reboot my PC for say a new install after only a few minutes into Windows it will restart fine. If, however I restart after a lengthened period of time, then I won't be able to reboot. (programs terminate, mouse cursor goes, exactly the same as you)

I really need to do more tests as i'm sure it's either my overclock or a certain program. Either way, for the moment this is all i can add.

When I get some free time I will:

a) Run safe mode for a day and restart, if I can't reboot, it could possibly be the overclock. Therefore:
b) I will clock back to stock and run a day and try and restart. If that still can't reboot, i'm stumped.

edit: Actually come to think about it I really don't think it's my overclock, because if it was then my system wouldn't be able to restart no matter how long i've been running Windows. I will leave safe mode on all tomorrow and see if it can restart.

Also, i actually still have a mouse cursor when I can't restart as I just restarted now after about 2 days uptime and it wouldn't reboot. Couldn't Ctl+Alt+Del, nothing. Reaching for that restart button is so annoying!
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