XP Standby / Hibernate

19 Jan 2005
Romford, Essex
I haven't chosen the S3 option in BIOS but left S1 in Auto.
I configured it in Windows as an experiment 2 min Screensaver, 3 min Monitor off, 5 min standby and 10 min Hibernate.
after 5 minutes the machine turned itself off and I had a flashing green light.
The only way to reactivate was by powering up. This immediately bought wWindows back.
Is this correct for standby and if so, what would hibernate have done. Or cannot you use both.
Silly question maybe to you guys, but I need guidance please.
Standby - saves the session and keeps it in memory. Will still use a bit of power, but turns back on pretty much instantly.

Hibernate - will save the session to the hard drive and shut down the PC. no power is used but will take slightly longer to turn back on.
Is it normal to have to power up. Should I also choose to turn off hard drives before standby and is the standby option the preferred one and forget hibernate. Thanks.
When I manually select standby. The machine powers off and the session is still in tact but can only be activated by the power switch.
Is this really a hybernate or is that what standby is. It won't kick back via keyboard
BTW I run XP Home
there will probably be options in your BIOS's power settings to resume on keypress or from keyboard or something. S3, S4 or S5 i think it is?

I use standy on my own XP machine and it is the powerbutton I use to turn it back on, but im back at the login screen/desktop almost instantly
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