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XTX1900 crossfire

31 Oct 2002
I bought the HIS ATi XT1900X 512MB a while back from OcUK and wondered what my options are graphics wise.

I have an AV8RMVP mobo so does this limit me to ATi cards?

Basically I want FSX and ArmA to run at full which they don't quite at the moment.

What would be my best option?

1) Buy another 1900 and put them in xfire?
2) Wait and buy an R600?
3) Buy a 8800 (is this even viable)?

I guess option 1) won't give me DX10 though.
afaik there really is no way of gettin "acceptable" frame rates from this "game" even 8800GTX SLI, and overclocked C2D get very low performance.

It's a boring game anyway. Gimme SWOTL. :)
Also is there any issue buying a graphics card in the US and bringing it back - I don't mean customs wise but will it work okay in the PC - power etc? Maybe getting the 1900 master card there is an option.
miracleboy said:
Also is there any issue buying a graphics card in the US and bringing it back - I don't mean customs wise but will it work okay in the PC - power etc? Maybe getting the 1900 master card there is an option.

Much much much easier to get a 8800GTX or wait for R600, quicker, same power usage, better IQ.

Whats the rest of your rig? FS-X can't use dual cards yet, and tbh its far far far far more CPU bottlenecked than GPU (My X1900XTX is hardly used - max load is > 60C - FS-X load is < 56/57C.)

Wait for R600 IMO.
The other bits in my rig are;

X2 4800+
2GB Geil RAM
HIS XT1900X 512MB
Asus A8R32MVP
150GB Raptor 10k

The cheapest option would probably be the 1900 master card wouldn't it? Do you know if the FSX 1.1 patch will use both cards?
miracleboy said:
The other bits in my rig are;

X2 4800+
2GB Geil RAM
HIS XT1900X 512MB
Asus A8R32MVP
150GB Raptor 10k

The cheapest option would probably be the 1900 master card wouldn't it? Do you know if the FSX 1.1 patch will use both cards?

Not worth it at ALL.

Much better option spending the money on conroe, seriously, made a MASSIVE diff for me.
Which bits of my kit would I need to change out for that? Sorry bit uninformed, is Conroe the new Intel chip? Wouldn't I need to swap out the CPU, mobo and gfx card?
The poster above said FS X doesn't use SLI/Crossfire. So nothing.
Crappest coded game I've seen for years, last one was a adventure game made by Core that locked up at certain points in the game,or if you move to certain place.
I believe, although I could be wrong, that nVidia and AMD are releasing new performance cards in the next month or so... would it not make sense to wait a month?
wait for the R600, as you have a cross fire board,.. so one R600 will be better than g80, plus if you got crossfire you could allways use 2 if you needed to :)

its what im doing
IceShock said:
so one R600 will be better than g80,

Yo future boy. :D

Id wait for R600, no point buying yet, not with cards due to be released, R600 will push prices down of the G80, so if the R600 aint any good, then you can get a cheaper G80, or wait for the 8900's as they are due shortly to (around R600 time, not long after), your x1900 you have will last till then, plus as said above FSX is a poorly coded game, it runs crap on everything. :)
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