Ye Olde Forum

18 Oct 2002
How old is this place now? must be reaching 6 years surely? i remember when it was purple and white with about 3k members!
I remember lurking back when it was on the black and blue UBB system, must have been about '98/'99 IIRC.
I feel like im new now :p

Been reading here for a age and was a different acount years back which I forgot all details to since, nuke, so I gave up until I came back in 2003.

Google has some cached pages from ages back!
Piggymon said:
I've been on here about 6 years and it's always been bl0000000 so it's older than that :)

You sure? I registered in September (maybe October 2001) and it was blue then. I don't know why but I vaguely remember you being a n00b around then too.
I've been buying stuff from OcUK for much longer than i have been on the forums, not sure how long that is though! :P
punky_munky said:
You sure? I registered in September (maybe October 2001) and it was blue then. I don't know why but I vaguely remember you being a n00b around then too.

Might well have been , I honestly can't remember :)

Damn the nuke and stealing our join dates :/
The were as has been said a pukey lavender colour, but only for a short time.

Before that they were dark, blue and black, like a bruise.

I registered on the forum when i bought my P3 500 flip chip from here when they were released, in............early 99.
The database was in a right state and was beyond economic repair so the best way to speed up the forums was to start from scratch.
BillytheImpaler said:
Speaking of forum history, what exactly was the reason for the great "nuke" of October 2002?

Lots of reasons.

One of which was it banning people so fast it was almost in minus figures for member numbers.
damn ive tried for the old forum pics but pulled up nothing (it says ocuk is blocking the archive :() im gonna have a scoot around my hard drive backups and see what i can find!
IIRC the forums were black and blue in 99/00, and didn't go full blue until the move from UBB to VBB (after the forums were hacked due to vunerabilities with UBB feb 2001 i think).

I can't remember if that was before, or after the move from the k6-3 450 to dual P3 (or was it P4?) 1ghz server.

That is goin from my vague memories, I say vague as I can barely remember what I did wednesday, let alone nearly 6 years ago :p
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