Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

Visage said:
At least if its scrapped we can start to forget about the consequences of their threatened use.....


To fly as a living memorial to the cold war with a mobile education centre going everywhere with it?

Spanker said:
Sure helped out on the Sally B :)

Yup. Sally B needed a lot of help due to the EU

And he *amongst others* steped up and fronted the wonga for them. :D

C'mon Branson! Hand, pocket, wallet..

Concorde Rules said:
Come on guys, spread it around the internget, all we need is 300,000 people giving £1, I mean there is 7 billion on this world!!!


Already have done...

Would post a affiliated shopping link but it contains links to places that are not approved of here. :(

Phantom said:
waste of money. put it in a museum. we should be concentrating on the future not looking back and holding onto the past

So all the Spitfires, Hurricanes, both Lancasters, B17's, B29's, etc etc... should be stuffed in a museum to rot?

Thats not where they belong. Just like classic cars - stick them in a museum to fall apart or drive them?

There's always someone who says this. Don't like to see pieces of history actually doing what they were designed for... the back button is the one that looks a bit like.


Bye bye.
Canada what a place... Eh.

It's like a loft appartment over a really good party eh. ;)

When it used to do displays at places like Mildenhall where it could live there for the weekend the take off's were always superb.

Full throttle, the air screaming as it was ripped apart being pulled into the engines, the sheer rumble from it that you felt throught he ground and in your chest more than heard then brake release...

Stars sprinting down the runway and then the nose was up at nearly 70° with a deafining roar until it hit 1500 feet then it levelled out and pretty much went silent as it throttles back at the same time.

Fabulous display.

Also the fact that it could stand up on a wingtip and bank away from the croud very shortly after takeoff as well was pretty impressive. :D

Well - 3 days until we find out if the Vulc will fly or not...

August 31st is roll-out day too.

Aircraft is structrually complete and just needs the avionics and engines fitted afaik.

I'll be there to see it emerge, blinking into the sunlight for the first time as an airworthy airframe in years. Camera will be on duty as well and I'll try to get some images *and maybe soem video* up that night.

As well as the news of the future of the Vulcan.

Entai said:
Did you never listen to DLT's classic, snooker on the radio, also darts on the radio. :cool:

Back to the point: come on Flibster we need to know what was *** YES all about

He is an Aussie so you can't hold it against him. ;)

Berserker said:
Looks promising. News of the problems has been all over the press today. :eek:

Has been for the last few days as well - the BBC have had a few lovely pieces on it. As has Sky News.

All credit to them - once they EVENTUALLY got the message...

Chronicle said:
Uhh. Are you all being sarcastic or something? Its just a plane.


Here's the pulse...... -------------------->

Aaaand here's your finger....


So far away from the pulse... ;)

It is the sole airworthy survivor of an era of British engineering brilliance that will never be repeated.

After the Delta Lady we need a Lightning, a Buccaneer and a Victor flying with it.

There is nothing that compares the Delta Lady on full throttle with the engines screaming on takeoff - utterly fabulous.
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