Yet another BF2 trouble thread

5 Jun 2005
Tasmania (Australia)
Yet another BF2 trouble thread (General system trouble added)

I did mention this in the main thread, but was ignored. :(

Anyway, since upgrading to an X2 3800+ im getting stupidly low framerates in multiplayer, but my framerates are fine in singleplayer. I just cant work out what's causing it.

Obviously the settings are the same in single and multi but why arent the framerates? My ping was around 25 on the last server i played, and my framerate was under 30. Not only that, i've lost reload animations aswell. :confused:

I just cant work it out. All my system temps are fine, im using the 81.85 nvidia drivers, the latest dual core Windows driver, the NF4 drivers that came with my motherboard ( :o ) and everything set to max ingame, which it should be able to handle EASILY. Hell, even when i was running my 3ghz Prescott i was getting better FPS.

Please help. :(

EDIT: Setting affinity to one core doesnt do squat.
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Have you tried deleting the graphics cache? this forces them to be rebuilt - it might help (can be found in the BF2 folder in My Docs). I am struggling this early to work out why only MP would be affected though... :confused:
Im doing a reinstall as we speak... well, im up to patching it actually, hopefully that'll sort it out.

And yes, i uninstalled it properly, including removing everything in the registry related to the game. ;)
Insanity said:
Im doing a reinstall as we speak... well, im up to patching it actually, hopefully that'll sort it out.

And yes, i uninstalled it properly, including removing everything in the registry related to the game. ;)

But did you remove the BF2 folder from your My Docs? As thats where all your settings are stored, not in the app folder...
Yes and Yes.

Well, i only tried the single core thing once and it crashed to desktop, reckon i should try it again?

I just updated my nforce drivers too, which did nothing.
Insanity said:
I did mention this in the main thread, but was ignored. :(

I didnt ignore it, but if I have nothing usefull to say..

I have twincore intel but have received no problems for the record.
Ive heard people who resolved this problem before now, it needs some software updating which you've allready tried? Is all equipment in device manager recognised as it should be
All my drivers are as new as they could be, there's no problems in device manager, the only thing i havent tried and dont really want to try is flashing the bios.
Insanity said:
All my drivers are as new as they could be, there's no problems in device manager, the only thing i havent tried and dont really want to try is flashing the bios.

Not strickly true - latest official drivers from nVidia are 84.21 - you stated in your original post you're on 81.85 ;)

Its worth a try anyway.

Have you deleted the cache as I suggested earlier?
Yeah, my bad, but i used these drivers before i moved from the Prescott and it was all good. And yes i have, it didnt help either.
Its probably to do with a windows service that shouldnt be enabled. Some games/software enable this even if you have it set as stay disabled. Annoying. You are wired to the internet? or are using wireless? is down right now for some reason(Armored Fury release?) so i cant find the steps but it sounds like you have that problem. Disabling the service returns online games to normal.
Wired... and i havent had a chance to try the single core thing again yet, but im open to all ideas, just lay em out for me and i'll go thru em when i have the chance.
Go to Start

Click on run

Type in: services.msc

Disable 'wireless zero configuration'

Should fix your problem

You can disable other stuff if you feel like it. But at your own risk for certain things.
Ok, good news, after messing around with different drivers and what not, i got it working really well with one core, it still doesnt like using two, but it runs extremely well as it is anyway.

So thanks to everybody for their help.

I have one more question though, is there anyway to set profiles for the cores? Like, if i load the BF2.exe it automatically disables one core? That would be really handy, but not really essential. :p
Yeah, it was running sweet, then i nuked a tank with C4 on Wake and everything crawled to a halt almost, it was even worse when i changed servers and maps. I deleted the cache and this time it worked. Hopefully it'll keep working, cause im gonna go nuts if i have to delete it every second or third time i play the game.
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