Yet Another Game Pulled From UK Shelves

Games that release fine in one region will be transferred to another (especially in translation) without much quality checks. This is why 'spastic' got through.
I believe spastic was a term used by the medical industry anyway.

It's a stupid country we now live in where we (the public) can't make informed decisions on whether to buy it we have to be told that we are allowed to buy it.

If the term is derogatory to race, religion (and I include Christianity in this as most people only seem to include Islam in this category in this country), homophobic, etc. then I agree it should be pulled but this is stupid.

Is a "Super Spastic" better than the normal everyday type? That said though, I'd pay extra for a game that calls you "Joey Deacon" if you fail to reach some target. :p
Azagoth said:
I'd pay extra for a game that calls you "Joey Deacon" if you fail to reach some target. :p

Showing your age there :p

My step dad knick named me Joey when I was younger with reference to Joey Deacon :)
yea that's what kicked off that it being a bad word and all that.
not that i was old enough to be at school at that point, but i remember it being on a documentary a few years ago.

He had a friend who could translate?
Yeah, Ernie Roberts! However, the problem with Ernie translating was that Ernie also suffered from CP too, so he was also difficult to understand.
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