yhack said:I don't mind at all.
But if you were going to get people from this forum to code the sig for you and then pass it off as your own then I'm not helping.
If you get some of code started then I'll help.
$files = glob('{*.PNG,*.png,*.JPG,*.jpg,*.GIF,*.gif}', GLOB_BRACE);
I was being serious!yhack said:Christ, you're funny. Where did you come up with this?
No, I changed my mind, I'm not going to help you at all.
Good luck, noob.
yhack said:Exactly, make your own code to start the image.
What can you do with PHP?
is this within PS?robmiller said:Create an image, use imagecopy/imagecopyresampled to put each number in, and bobsyeruncle.
$IMG_DIR_URL = "./digits/";
function txt2digits ($txt) {
$digits = preg_split("//", $txt);
(list($key, $val) = each($digits)) {
if ($val != "") {
if ($val == ":") $val = "colon";
$html_result .= "<IMG SRC=\"$IMG_DIR_URL$val.gif\">";
return $html_result;
$time =
<BODY BGCOLOR="black">
<?php echo $time ?>