You can't cook in a microwave

28 Nov 2008
Ok that sounded a little harsh, all I mean is that using a microwave doesn't constitute cooking - it's useful for reheating etc... IMO it doesn't produce good quality food
What you mean is you haven't been able to produce good quality using a microwave, which is fine - we all have our experiences, however limited, but that doesn't mean that a "microwave doesn't constitute cooking" outright.

My aunt can make horrendous stuff using an oven. That doesn't mean an "oven doesn't constitute cooking".

An oven doesn't produce food for you - you produce the food and construct the meal. The oven is just a tool in the job, and so the microwave. If you try to cook the wrong kind of food in a microwave, then of course it won't work (see mentions of bacon in this thread). Just like trying to make scrambled eggs under the grill won't work either.

Good ingredients + the right tool for the job + used by someone who knows what they are doing = good food
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
No what I'm saying is that we will have to agree to disagree.

Irrespective of whether or not I have the skill (lol) to use a microwave or not, IME/IMO spending a bit of quality time with quality ingredients preparing food is much more satisfying and nutritious - clearly to me.

If your standard and expectations mean that microwave prepared food is as good if not better than regularly prepared food, that's absolutely fine. I'm not going to try and change your taste buds, because I can't.

I'm merely expressing that for me microwaves just don't produce food to a quality that I appreciate, enjoy and as such state that I don't consider it "cooking" because I just don't find them up to par, irrespective of who uses them. I know more than a thing or two about producing a meal and good food old bean, but thanks for the explanation/definition.

I agree entirely about the right tool for the job, and for me the microwave isn't a tool that is needed to prepare food.
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