You have 3 months, what do you do?

Work experience, if you can get it.

Otherwise, have you considered doing a short course in something? It would keep your brain in 'leaning' mode and allow you to pick up a skill in something you've always wanted.
Sign up for some work experience related to your degree. You will have more chances if its unpaid. It helps a lot with finding degree related work later.

Edit: Just approach companies and say, I am a student, want to get some real world work experience, let me work here during my break for free.
austrailia, thailand, maybe even south america. take some uni books maybe so your mind dosent totally die.


hookers, beer and games
How about voluntary work? If you find a really worthwhile project then you'll get experience for your CV but at the same time have the satisfaction of knowing you've done something genuinely productive with your time.
Depends how much money you got. if it's a bit. Jump on the train and head for Europe go where ever you fancy. Then get on the tran-Siberia train and head over that direction.
I'd go to some Notorious clubs in Europe & smash some Euro Pasty.
How about voluntary work? If you find a really worthwhile project then you'll get experience for your CV but at the same time have the satisfaction of knowing you've done something genuinely productive with your time.

HA! Good luck with that if you don't want to spend thousands!

The only thing is i'd be doing it alone, after a few days of seeing some countries i can imagine it would get lonely/boring.

Stay in youth hostels. Then you can meet people and travel with them to the next place and do what ever takes your fancy.
You can get trian tickets that cover Europe, but can' remember website,.
Spooky, a similair thing happened to me. I also did Computer Science at Edinburgh uni and I had to resit my 2nd year because I mucked up one of the maths courses. I did some other courses along side the maths course and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I did Meteorology, Astronomy and a few other things. I tell you what else I did, and I totally recommend you do the same ;-( Join the Edinburgh Uni Gliding club and learn to fly! Awesome fun and its the cheapest way to learn to fly. Looks great on your CV, also I got involved in the committee and was President of the club in my final year....I then went on to be a commercial pilot and now fly the Airbus out of Gatwick ;)
If you are retaking the module wont you be limited to the pass mark for it? I thought you had to retake a whole year to get new grades?
Thats just wrong, as a graduate I feel a bit ****** off that they are letting you have this for free when I could be sitting on a 1st degree given the same opportunity.
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