Young Professionals, Friends and Social Media

26 Aug 2005
Not sure where I'm going with any of this but does anyone experience an element of loneliness in London at a certain age?

I'm 30 and I changed job recently (been working quite hard in the first 6 months). I still live and work in London and most of my close friends have moved away and/or gone travelling.

I dabble in Facebook and I hate to say it, most of my contacts have become distant memories and I generally don't get anything from using the site. I've generally become quite picky when it comes to making friends now (which I think is simply down to maturity), but I'm sure that's natural?
12 Feb 2006
Grindr has a friendly community


i think that's fairly natural no matter the place you live. Facebook also have become boring for me (it did years ago tbh) but i think this is partly down now to how people use it, which is to share funny pictures and videos of other peoples live. Facebook is hardly about the member any more and so, really rather boring, and when it is about the user, too often it's a selfie of someone at some place famous, completely blocking the view, so just another picture of themselves showing off.

i'm lucky to have one close friend who i see very regularly, but if i didn't, if they find themselves a partner, i'd feel very lonely too.

You just simply need to replace friends. Friends will naturally move onto to other things for better or worse. My main social group now is not the same i saw even just a year ago. all my friends from over a year ago i had known for years but saw a lot for 3/4 before i've now stopped. They've got partners, moved slightly further away, have different friend groups, planning weddings and can't stop letting everyone know about it etc.

Go to new places, events, sports regularly and eventually you'll replace the friends you've lost contact with.
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11 Oct 2004
Not sure where I'm going with any of this but does anyone experience an element of loneliness in London at a certain age?

I'm 30 and I changed job recently (been working quite hard in the first 6 months). I still live and work in London and most of my close friends have moved away and/or gone travelling

I can't say I have experienced that yet. I don't make true friends at work in the way I did earlier in my career but I still have a strong social life through hobbies and other activities.

I do worry that London property prices are going to force most of my friends to move away eventually though.
16 Jun 2011
Do you have a partner?

If you're looking for one learn to cook, get some lessons, or join a Salsa club, lovely girls, not usually a big drinking scene and it is fun.

Talk to people.

Take up a new hobby? Get out there, you wont meet anyone in your lounge, at least not unless you invited them :p
16 Jan 2010
Do people still use the word Young Professionals.

17 Jun 2005
Are you dating? London is such a diverse city you're bound to meet interesting women.

There's also loads of after work activities/clubs you could go to and meet new people - GO Mammoth, your local gym, jazz cafés, workshops/lectures/networking events, salsa dancing, wine tasting, cycling, running, comedy club, your local pub.. there is so much to do it's impossible to be bored.

I'm lucky enough to have most of my core friends still in London. But that could change soon as we "grow up" and seek new adventures, settle down etc. That's something we just have to accept. And even if I wanted to reconnect with my friends who have moved on, Facebook is not the medium. It's just too impersonal, vain and full of nonsense. It's more worthwhile to catch up with friends over a drink or a meal because it's a better use of time especially when everyone has busy lives.



26 Dec 2005
Not sure where I'm going with any of this but does anyone experience an element of loneliness in London at a certain age?

I'm 30 and I changed job recently (been working quite hard in the first 6 months). I still live and work in London and most of my close friends have moved away and/or gone travelling.

I dabble in Facebook and I hate to say it, most of my contacts have become distant memories and I generally don't get anything from using the site. I've generally become quite picky when it comes to making friends now (which I think is simply down to maturity), but I'm sure that's natural?

30 is time to be a father, that's what you are missing in your life, the natural instinct is kicking in.

Yeah, only got a few years left before you run out of eggs.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
London can be a lonely place despite it being so busy. We're moving out of London as we don't need or want the hubbub of London life and prefer a more community feel to living. I don't really use Facebook (I deleted and came back but log on once a month or so) but that hasn't stopped me seeing friends or doing things. But then again I'm married and we have lots of things going on so that keeps me distracted and busy but most importantly fulfilled.

I totally understand what you're going through and that I believe is London life if you're less of a party animal. It's too full speed ahead there and people are distracted and have low attention spans so generating good friendships whilst entirely possible as I have done it, is harder. Also probably because people are so career focussed.

I've taken a step back in my career aspirations (I'm not money driven anyway) and enjoy life a bit more and I'm getting a lot more out of it as a result.
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