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Your best CPU's over the years?

2 Jan 2012
What's your fav CPU's over the years?

Standout ones for me have been (I'm old so there's been a few)


AMD Athlon 64 4000+

Was a great chip back in the day.

Intel Q6600

Really stood out as good value at the time. Was relevant for a long time.

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T

My last AMD CPU, was good value at the time.

Intel core i7 2600K

Absolute monster at launch, still relevant today.

Intel core i7 4790K

Stands out from others due to really high clock speed at stock, fast CPU with low TDP. Great chip for gaming.

Intel core i7 5820K

Imho the best value CPU Intel have released to date, 6/12 cores/threads. Monster at stock even more so when overclocked. Efficient and supports DDR4. Will likely remain relevant for many years to come.

Hopefully AMD will release something good next year, fancy a change back to AMD.
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Your* Title needs editing :)

The only one I've only that I've actually cared about and thought about before buying my 4690k.
Hopefully soon to add a 4790k to that soon!
P3-500 Wasn't quite the fastest at the time of launch but it powered through everything at the time without ever feeling slow until much later.

P4 3GHz w/ HT - Hyper Threading is often maligned but the difference between it and the pure single cores at the time was nice for a lot of stuff - keeping things smooth when other CPUs would be bogged down i.e. encoding something in the background assigned to 1 core and you could still watch a video or something smoothly in the foreground.

E6600 - just a massive leap from anything before it and you'd not really call one slow today outside of high end gaming, etc. overclocked like crazy, ran decently cool (especially coming from the Pentium Ds, etc.). I'll lump the Q6600 in there as well really good value for money and held its own for ages.

Q9550 - not such a big leap from the Q6600 but a nice solid top up on an already great CPU.

I've been less impressed by anything since - though that is partly due to running the Q9550 at 4Ghz coupled with some very fancy RAM (OCZ Blade ULV - DDR3 chips on a DDR2 DIMM) - do like having 4 cores/8 threads with the i7s but they are somehow a bit unexceptional - just solid performers that do what you expect nothing more nothing less.
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an i7 920 that clocked to 4.2ghz with just 1.23v still my all time best cpu,how I regret selling it
I went from an Athlon (i) x2 2.7GHz in a dodgey pre build PC (components were glued in...) to a i7 860 and overclocked it to 3.7GHz. That was a huge leap for me and a cracking processor. I only upgraded to a 4770k as I had the itch.
Celeron 300a. A Pentium 2 for half the price.

Athy XP 2000+ overclocked to 2300+ clocks.

My Conroe Core 2. 1.7ghz stock, 3ghz overclocked.
800mhz duron , still alive in an old game boy emulater machine
1300mhz duron , was my workhorse back in my younger days
Athlon 64 3000+ , my first taste of 64bit
Athlon 64 x2 5000+ My first dual core
Athlon x2 260 , the chip that got me through the dark days of being poor
Phenom x4 955 be , my first real decent CPU albeit abit later than most
Fx6100 , yay I was apart of the bulldozer flop
Fx8320 , diddnt stop me from being apart of the pile driver flop :D
I7 4770k , my first top of the line CPU , absolute clocking and benching monster
I7 5820k , my first real buy what chip I like no cost is an object. Currently Sat In my machine powering two 980s along ... These are good days :)
athlon 5150 ... Powering my web server .... Such power for a low wattage CPU

I will always have an amd CPU somewhere in this house , I just wish it was in my main rig :(
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Just before the launch of HL2 i bought a new PC, i was advised to get it by a friend specifically for HL2, it was an AMD 3500+ based system with 1GB of Ram and an X800pro toxic.

That was back in 2004. I used that PC until i bought my first Overclockers overclocked gaming Bundle in 2012. So i had an AMD 64 3500+ for 7 years. £1300 for 7 years of use! That is quite good value for money, in anyone's book.
2550K by millions of miles. its prefect. easy to cool. 5ghz, rock solid and it has a decent imc. one day i will find a up7 to put it in and 2 very fast 7950's in CF. that is my dream rig.
PIII 450, good step up from the P100.

AthlonT'bird 1000Mhz, again a good step up and first 1Ghz cpu.

E8500, lasted me for ages and still use it.

All the others were progression or fillers that were not really ground breaking. Coming up to 20 years of cpu's though, hopefully my next one might make the list!
1055T 95W. Daemon clocker. X58 was far too expensive to buy into at the time, AMD had the better native support (USB 3/SATA 3)

2500K. Best price/performance chip at the time (And still remains as such).
P4, no idea on clock speed but pretty sure it's over 3GHz and HT. I say it's because it is still running to this day, solid chip :) fond memories of playing cod4 at 800x600 with some x series GPU which still works as well, part of a dell desktop lol. I upgraded the RAM from 1GB to 4GB as well ;)

My favourite CPU though was the 1090t what a beast! Like OP I hope AMD get their act together, switching to Intel just didn't feel right. Probably because of my GPU bottleneck, it needs upgrading! 1090t must have been better at some tasks as well..
Loved my AMD Tbird & AXP (Venice).

Then my Conroe (e6420, same amount of L2 as higher end & could OC high) was a really good BFB king. I don't look back on my e8400 as being that great, it was just the CPU to buy at the time. Used to feel like you were getting one over on Intel by picking just the right SKU for the least money possible, they seem to have us in the palm of their hand after AMD fell behind.

Cheapest overclockable i5 I could find when I built my PC in June 2012 (Post ivy bridge launch). I've gone from a 550ti to a titan and still use the same CPU.
AMD 1800Xp got it to over 3ghz at stock volts, never got to test how far it would actually go as i broke it removing it from socket while i was sorting a condensation problem.

Cost me bout 80 quid if i remember correctly, tried to replace it with various 1700s but never found one with anywhere close to the same OC potential.
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