Your best games - Revisited :)

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
Bored with some of todays games the other night, I peered along my cobwebbed shelf to see if there were any of my older games that i just loved at the time and just wondered if they were still as good as they were then.

.. and there is was..

Return to Castle Wolfeinstien :)

I flew through the first four levels inside a few hours..

ahh I remember this..!! a bit dated now but what a fantastic game.. will always remain my all time favourite :)


... and you?
james.miller said:
Dues ex and system shock II. oh an mario 3 - class. buck rodgers on the megadrive. I pwnd them all with my mecurian needle guns.
I loved Buck Rogers :D Scarily few people seem to know about it though :(
Me and my housemate finished Toejam & Earl co-op again a couple of months back. I'm getting the urge to do it again...

Also dug out Flashback and Another World - the Megadrive is still a class console. :cool:
All of the bullfrog classics, being theme hospital, the dungeon keeper games, syndicate wars, theme park

have played hl and deus ex to death now sadly so doubt those will get another go... never got around to playing system shock 2 but it has always been up there as one of the best games ever so im sure some day i will... last time i tried i got about 20minutes in and got scared and turned it off :D

Battlezone 2 will also always have a spot like that... play that every couple of years since it was released
I recently decided to fire up the old Cyrix 33 system...

Cannon Fodder
Wolf 3D
Dune 2
Commander Keen
XCOM: UFO Defense
Desert/Jungle Strike

Too many others to list :D
Total Annihilation, Terra Nova SFC, C&C + Red Alert, Mechwarrior series :(
System Shock, Tribes 1+2 Dues Ex, Dungeon Keeper

miss these games so much games of today cant compare
It's very, VERY rare that I revist old PC games that I've already completed - I simply don't have time, what with all the quality titles out there that I haven't played yet. I used to when I was younger and couldn't afford to buy new games all the time. but the only ones I can think of in recent times are:

Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
Max Payne
Red Alert 2
Diablo 2

There's plenty of quality games I enjoyed like Deus Ex, KOTOR etc, but I'm not really keen on playing them again when there's stacks of games I haven't even tried yet like Morrowind, Starcraft, Total Annihilation, Baldurs Gate Compilation, Oblivion, Icewind Dale Compilation, Neverwinter Nights Deluxe etc etc.
I always wanna play Deus Ex. I can still hear the music and sound effects as clear as day and it makes my heart skip a beat. Diablo2 is another one I always go back to - me and the missus often go through phases where we're bored with current games and fire up D2 for some simple hack 'n' slash pleasure :)

Glad to see a mention for NFS: Porsche 2000 - that's probably my fave driving game ever!
hmmmm ill go with single player ;-

Revs and Elite on the BBC micro 'b'

Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix 2 - PC

Online , nothing will ever beat tribes 2, simply the best online fps ever

ahhh Electric Mayhem [EM] fun fun fun
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