Your best Hangover cures

18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK

So I'm off an the lash tonight and I wil be using my usual hangover cure of:-

1. Couple of pints of water before going to bed.
2. A stash of orange Calippos for the morning to take that bad taste out of the mouth and boost sugar levels.

always works for me, what are your cures?

lots of whole milk and water. oh and a couple of glasses of water before u sleep.
if u want immediate relief, a shot of jd does the trick...
All mine have been suggested.

Pint of milk before you start.
Couple of pints of water when you get back
Couple of pints of water in the morning

and the one that cures all hangovers:

A full english breakfast with all the trimmings! - You may have to grit your teeth for the first couple of mouthfulls but works a treat!! :)
I try to sneak in a glass of water between every 3 or 4 drinks if on a session...doesn't mean you get any less bladdered but definately helps me the next day. Probably to do with dehydration etc...
I always drink several pints of water. Only problem is it takes about 10 minutes to let it all out the following morning.
UKDTweak said:
Dont drink to access !!
The implications are staggering - No more security passes, no more ID, no retinal scans.

*walks to work*
*arrives at main entrance*

####PLEASE HALT#####

*me drinks a few tubes*
Borris said:
Thn's veerh mush - pleesh cn I cum in?

Commuting will never be the same again.
Best hangover cure - just stay in bed, keep your fluid & electrolyte levels topped up, pop a few paracetamol (always read the label).
sleep, more sleep, water, cherry coke, purdeys in that order. If that doesn't work just pop down the pub for a couple more jars and finish it off with a currey
Water! A hang over is because the brain and body is dehydrated from getting rid of poison. Drink loads of water and you will be fine.

Had 25 Shots of whiskey on my 21st. 2L of saline later and some sleep, and went to lectures the next day feeling but a little tender. the tenderness was sorted with a good fry-up :D
I use them Anti Hangover tablets from Superdrug. 2 with after every 2 pints. Wake up fine in the morning after drinking to excess
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