Your best Hangover cures

Quadruple vodka + lemonade over lotsa ice in a pint glass.

Then get a double baileys over ice as well.

Drink V&L until stomach protests. Swiftly sip baileys to quiet it down.

Rinse & repeat until a couple of each have been drunk = happy days all over again.
The three most important things you must consider in hangover management are dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and blood sugar levels. Drinking to excess affects all three.

One of the most basic hangover remedies or prophylactic measures is to drink plenty of water, before going to bed or the morning after. Before going to bed is the better option as you still sweat and lose water through breathing during the night. Drinking water in the morning will help, but will not have an immediate effect, so there will be a period of misery in the morning.

Electrolyte imbalance is another important, and very often overlooked issue with a hangover. If you have vomited, or passed a lot of urine, or even had an upset stomach/diarrhoea you will have lost a lot of valuable electrolytes, often making you feel equally dreadful. The full english solution will help to regain some salt, but the intake of food can often upset a fragile stomach. The best option here would either be an isotonic sports drink such as Lucozade sport, or a home made variety with squash and a couple of teaspoons of salt and sugar, there are a number of different recipies on the internet. A well known solution amongst those in the medical profession is a litre of dextrosaline taken IV, but this isn't readily available.

Blood sugar levels are very low after a drinking session, hence the feeling of tiredness. Drinking lots of fruit juice, or any kind of sugary drink will help to raise the blood sugar levels. Calippos work equally well, and are a saturday morning favourite of mine. Eating will achieve the same effect, but sugars may not pass into the blood stream as rapidly as drinking juice. Eating a kebab before going to bed will help to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the night, making you feel more alive in the morning. However, if the kebab is eaten without suitable fluid intake (a pint or two of water) the amount of chili and salt in them can add to the dehydration.

The feeling of an upset stomach is fairly unavoidable, however proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, prescription only) can help to ease the discomfort by reducing the amount of stomach acid. Milk of magnesia is a more common remedy, and acts to neutralise stomach acid.

Fresh air is also brilliant for a hangover. Get out of bed and go to the shops! Buy a sugary or isotonic drink, or a calippo (damn fine hangover cure). The walk coupled with the added fluids and sugar will have you feeling better in no time.

My cure, which I often don't follow because of being too drunk:

Drink water or squash before you go to bed.
Try to eat a little something.
Wake up in the morning and get up, lounging in bed with stagnant air will only prolong the pain.
Drink more water/fruit juice/isotonic drink.
Go for a walk a buy a paper.
Eat something sugary, don't stuff yourself.
Bloody huge bap filled with Bacon, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, and smoky bacon crisps*.

Wash that down with a pint of milk. Then go outside and have a fag.

Works every time.

*Don't forget the crisps. It the secret to the cure ;) :rolleyes:
For me, first drink is very cold coke, nice big glass.

Then I need bacon, and drink plenty of water through the day. Try to get out, too. If you stay in bed, sleep, but if you're awake, try and get some fresh air. That's about it.
well, I never get hangovers, ever.

but the medical thing (told by my doc) is water as your just dehydrated
Bottle of Oasis follwed by IRN bru or....After sport drink works wonders. ie Sports In Science. Costs abot £7 for 500g.
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