Your early home computer memories

ZX 81 with 1k of memory, I then bought the 16k ram pack but had to do the blu tac mod to stop the infamous "Ram Wobble" :D Then in about 83 I upgraded to a 48k ZX Spectrum, wonderfull computer and it wasnt until 88 that I upgraded again to an Atari 520 STFM, in 1990 I made the slight upgrade to an Atari 520 STE and then in 91 came the Amiga 500, in 93 (iirc) i bought an Amiga 1200 (loved that machine) I eventually had a 120mb hard drive and 2 external floppys and a 2mb fast ram upgrade, I ended up swapping it for a playstation which I had for about 3 months, which I flogged and put the money towards my first PC in 95 a 5x86 AMD@133mhz 1gb hard drive, half meg graphics card (lol) and 16mb ram, I was the envy of my mates at the time.
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Amstrad CPC 464 Even had a Mannesmann tally MT81 printer (sad that I can rememebr!) and the colour monitor, cost parents an arm and a leg.
Amiga 600, I sold my CPC464 to buy a portyable tv to run it on
Then PC's. My first was a 386 16mhz beast! Then a 486 which I started upgrading through a saturday job at the local markets. Got £20 a day, saved up for a soundcard, (wow! sound!) then it was a quad speed cd reader (which had to be plugged into the soundcards IDE port). I had a Citizen swift 24 pin dot matrix printer (colour!) to go with them both. All running Windows 3.1

Then it was PC's proper with my first job, a Pentium 200MX with 32Mb ram (It came with 16, but I upgraded it before buying it) that was from Special Reserve. Used to get their magazines every month. Oh, It was my first overclock too, without knowing what I was doing, or what I had done. I saw it had DIP switches to select the processor speed, so I switched it to see what would happen and got a P233(MMX) out of it. I was amazed it worked at the time, and left it like that.

Then I started building my own! At some point had a 800mhz Duron, a thunderbird (1.6ghz?? but it wasnt really) then went to a HP gaming laptop.
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Back in '97 is one of my oldest memories, getting a 133 K5 tower with 5.23" removable HDD slot so my Dad could boot his Xenix drive for work, oh I miss the Saturday mornings playing Doom 95....
We had the C64 back in the good old day's :p

Parents purchased a new PC which was a 486SX Vanilla from Tempo many years ago.
An Amiga 500+ here (the Batman Pack to be precise)! I remember my parent paying something like £100 for a 512k ram upgrade (to take it upto a might 1mb).

Then we got a 486SX (not one of those fancy DX 66's :( ) and i remember doing a lot of schoolwork on that and games like Magic Carpet, Alone in the Dark.

3 big memories for me are my mate bringing games round to my house becuase "i had a PC with a SOUND CARD!!!"

And my mum using the keyboard lock key to stop me from playing it at like 6am in the morning. One bent paperclip later the keyboard was unlocked :D

Finally, when it came to our first upgrade, myself and 3 friends had the PC open on the dining room table and we changed the motherboard, Ram and processor ourselves (giving my mum a fit, as she had spent all this money on the stuff and here were 4 school kids messing about with it! )

Oh and the Processor was a CYTRIX :D (damn those pentiums were too expensive)
I remember the second computer we ever had in the house and all that i remember is it had a megadrive built into it and all i used to do was play x-men on it.
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