This is another one of those threads where we ask you to check something on your account.
Please check your registered email address, make sure it's one you have access to and that you know what it is.
There's nothing nefarious in us asking you to do this, it's for your own benefit. If it's wrong, you won't receive notifications from subscribed threads, PMs etc, but more importantly, it's something else we use to verify ownership if you get locked out. And yes, despite asking people to take copies of their backup codes, we're still getting members locked out of their 2FA because they haven't done so.
We don't use it to spam you, we don't pass your details on to anyone else, there's no security issue in you checking it and ensuring it's correct.
Click on your name in the top right corner of the forum screen and select Account details. Your email address is shown there an if it's wrong, you can click the 'change' button and correct it.
You would have set up your email address when you first signed up. For some people, that could have been over twenty years ago.
If you get locked out for any reason then this is one of the questions we will ask you. If you aren't able to tell us what your registered email address is then we will not be able to get you back into your account.
While you're at it, check your date of birth as well.
Thank you.
Please check your registered email address, make sure it's one you have access to and that you know what it is.
There's nothing nefarious in us asking you to do this, it's for your own benefit. If it's wrong, you won't receive notifications from subscribed threads, PMs etc, but more importantly, it's something else we use to verify ownership if you get locked out. And yes, despite asking people to take copies of their backup codes, we're still getting members locked out of their 2FA because they haven't done so.
We don't use it to spam you, we don't pass your details on to anyone else, there's no security issue in you checking it and ensuring it's correct.
Click on your name in the top right corner of the forum screen and select Account details. Your email address is shown there an if it's wrong, you can click the 'change' button and correct it.
You would have set up your email address when you first signed up. For some people, that could have been over twenty years ago.
If you get locked out for any reason then this is one of the questions we will ask you. If you aren't able to tell us what your registered email address is then we will not be able to get you back into your account.
While you're at it, check your date of birth as well.
Thank you.