Your experiences with the Lian Li V351

18 Oct 2005
I'm thinking of putting together an i7 setup with this case. I don't own a dremel and I don't want to start modding it. I'm thinking of the following components:

i7 920
DFI Jr T3H6 X58 mobo
Either my current 3870 or something newer - what's the largest card I can get away with with this case without modification?
6gb RAM
Scythe Mini Ninja cooler <- Will this fit the case without mods?
Two SATA drives from my current system
DVD drive

Are the fans that come with the case good enough? I won't be overclocking much, if at all.

i modded mine but

is there a fitting kit out for a i7 cpu ? for the mini ninja i thought it was socket 775 only.

it will fit fine in terms of space you have a maximum hight of 125mm to play with for cpu cooler that has to be the entire height of the cooler.

I have a radeon 5870 in my V351B it fits without any modding with the stock fans in place.

The only problem i can see you having is with the cpu cooler. I started off with a Corsair H50 which cooled the cpu fine but due to lack of airflow arround the CPU area the Northbridge and mosfets get very very hot (too hot to touch) aswell as my ram getting hot.

I went for water cooling as yo ucan see in the thread linked above but if you can get a cpu cooler that also cools the surrounding area it would be ideal. You also have to keep in mind the airflow inside as the PSU sucks air up from the CPU region to cool itself.
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