your Favorate Animated GIF

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mc_bob said:
Who the hell is this laser head? They always make me laugh but the quality is always to poor for me to see who it is :p
Erm 4 dead links and it was only posted about 8 minutes ago :D
The posts are slowing down now, I guess the mods are keeping an eye on this thread!

Well i suppose they only work for me because i posted them?

i will edit it so it is just a link to the gif

And what's posted 8 minutes ago?
Pray tell how does is know when your legitamtely linking off your own site (presumably where you've hosted it) or when your actually hotlinking...

Melm0 said:
I thought it was just easier than saving them, then uploading them again.

Easier yes... but you're stealing someone elses bandwith. Which is for the lose.

JCBeastie said:
Pray tell how does is know when your legitamtely linking off your own site (presumably where you've hosted it) or when your actually hotlinking...

Magic pixie fairies. With guns.
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