Your favorite food? (only 1 food choice allowed)

Rice. I can eat rice any time any day, even on its own with just 1 condiment I will enjoy it. Thats just 1 food type. If we're talking dish then I dont think I could choose. Probably meatball curry and rice.
Rib-eye, t-bone, rib-eye, t-bone, rib-eye, t-bone, rib-eye... Oh god must I choose?

Done on a brai (South Africans really know how to do a BBQ properly).

Would love to try porterhouse though.

Can eat a half one, the breast, fillets, fry it, bake it, grill it, bbq it, grilled it, stir fry it.

Eat it cold, have it on sandwich, in a stew, curry, anything.

Good for you, if you eat the meat only, love it.
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