Your Favourite Cheeses Over The Festive Period

We used to get a whole stilton, gouge out a bit of the top of it and pour in a load of port, the longer you can leave it the better (and the more port you can add!)
Goat's cheese is good. The spreadable chive ones are good to help stick the crumbly stiltons to the cracker. A smoked one is always welcome also. Camambert is a staple choice for sure.

There's loads available, all worth a go if you like Stilton.

I'd get some selection packs online from a cheese retailer. Just go mad.
I've been buying premium cheeses from various fine cheese providers for a few years, but earlier this year gave a go.
They are very picky and have the right relationships with makers to take their best cheeses and then age them to perfection - Baron Bigod and Tunworth from there are better than from anywhere else I've tried. Rollright cheese aged by this company is about my favourite cheese of all time. They also source an excellent Vacherin.

Anyway, they get my business every time now including my Christmas order :)
@randomshenans you might as well drum up some business :p

As for me, i don't think i ever have any set cheeses, i usually just head to the cheese stall on the market and get a selection. Usually including something blue, something with fruit in like a wensleydale, maybe an applewood smoked and then anything which catches our eye. There's usually some interesting things like sticky toffee pudding cheese, or last time there was an amazing Lemon cheese and an apple, raisin and cinnamon cheese.
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