Your Favourite Directors?

12 Dec 2003
There's a really old thread but thought it would be interesting to see who is popular nowadays, what names have the pull and the body of work that means you trust them to deliver the goods.

Obviously there's going to be the usual names mentioned; Scorsese, Nolan, Villeneuve, Tarantino, Spielberg, Kubrick, Malick, Scott (Ridley) etc.

However, is there a particular director that you just have 'faith' in, and will be drawn to a movie based on the style or creativity that you've maybe started to associate to pleasing your tastes?

To get started, some of my faves are:

Darren Aronofsky - yes, Noah and Mother! are a bit meh, however Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler, Black Swan, The Whale and The Fountain are just such satisfying watches.

Alex Garland - Everything he's done so far has hit the 'spot' for me - Ex Machina, Annihilation, Civil War, Men, and honourable mention to the TV Series Devs. I'll most definitely be interested in anything he's involved with.

On the edge, hit and miss.... Richard Linklater - Dazed and Confused, the Before trilogy, Boyhood, School of Rock - I love these films, but just haven't quite been able to explor some of his other work quite yet as on the surface they just don't quite interest me.
These few come to mind… Ari Aster, Jordan Peele, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Danny Boyle, Christopher Nolan, Denis Villeneuve.

Probably a good few others that I've missed out.

Oh, and Stanley Kubrick!
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Off the top of my head, and trying to keep the weebery under control :p

Mel Brooks
The Coens
Eastwood (he really surprised me with how good and varied his films are*).
John Landis (three guesses ;))
Peter Jackson
Makoto Shinkai
Harold Ramis
Ridley Scott

*IIRC he spent a lot of his time when acting actually paying attention and learning from a host of directors and film crew at all budget levels.
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Paul Thomas Anderson, Tom Ford (Nocturnal Animals and A Single Man) and David Fincher for me. Though I was really disappointed with Fincher’s latest, The Killer.

Oh and Nicolas Winding Refn, as while his films are pretty hit and miss, they’re pretty interesting and different. Drive will always be one of my favourite films.
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I have to say I rarely pay attention to movie (or TV series) directors. Even those who make movies I like tend to make just as many I can't stand watching LOL.
ridley scott
wes anderson
martin scorsese
tim burton
james cameron

Guy Hamilton because he directed some of the best Bond movies ( goldfinger, the man with the golden gun, diamonds are forever, live and let die )
In no particular order and I'm sure I'll be forgetting some...

Tim Burton
John Carpenter
David Lynch
David Fincher
Stanley Kubrick
Ed Wood ;)
I’ll add John Hughes to conversation. I don’t think anyone made more relatable movies for anyone growing up in the 80’s. Movies that just make you feel good.

Apart from that same as most of you, Carpenter, Spielberg, Burton, Nolan, Cameron, Landis, Jackson, Scott, Ramis and Villeneuve.
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