Your favourite game of the past year.

All the people not saying Witcher 3 are showing us one thing....... :rolleyes:

They haven't played Witcher 3! :D :D :D

I'm sure in six months time I'll have played it more than anything else but after only two hours played so far I can hardly give it my vote yet.
Alien Isolation, still can't believe quite how good it was.

Not started playing The Witcher 3 yet though so maybe Omaeka is right.

Edit - just purchased Shadow of Mordor as well, so another contender. Really need more hours in the day, so much good stuff lined up and still finishing GTA V.
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Out of the games I have played (still to many on the to play list in Steam) I would say Shadow of Mordor was probably my last game I was hooked on and couldn't put down.
For me, Alien Isolation. I found it to be an utter masterpiece of gaming.

Some games have the fancy graphics but repetitive gameplay, or gameplay which lacks substance once you get past the shiny appearance. Some have the story but not the looks etc.

Alien Isolation was pretty close to being the complete package. A stunningly atmospheric game and remarkably faithful to the subject matter. An absolute classic of a title.

(I will caveat that game choice by comparison to the games other people have chosen in this thread... I dont have GTA V, Witcher 3 or Dying Light. I do have Divinity Original Sin but havent actually got around to playing it yet)
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